Correios Shipping- A Fast and Reliable shipping solution!!!
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Shipping methods can have a major impact on a customer’s purchase decision. Shipping method plays the most important role in improving ecommerce business growth,It can make or ruin your ecommerce business. It’s essential for sellers to provide the correct shipping solution to the customers, Right shipping option is proven to decrease shopping cart abandonment upon checkout. Store admin need to decide what kind of shipping methods they want to use for the delivery of their products, they can offer Correios Shipping Method where shipping rates are calculated that are based on origin address, destination address, order weight/dimensions.
Nowadays customers require more flexibility and choice on the checkout page. Even customers are now choosing sellers based on the number of delivery options they can make available. By implementing the right add-ons, Ecommerce businesses can expand the product delivery options for their customers. With good ecommerce shipping experience your online business can have many benefits such as increase in customer loyalty,good brand reputation, positive reviews on website, improved customer satisfaction, step by step tracking of the package, good reputation on social media and many more.
Magento 2 Correios Shipping Method overview-
Correios is a Brazilian courier company with delivery services to over 200 countries. Vendor Correios Shipping Extension is a shipping addon for CedCommerce and is developed in Magento 2. The Correios Shipping addon is perfect for the store owner who wants to charge customers for delivery of items based origin address, destination address, order weight and dimensions.
This Brazilian shipping method works on the basis of Postal Code of Brazil. On the basis of postal code and weight of the package this module returns various Correios shipping method with their respective costs. Using this module admin can choose different shipping methods of Correios. In order to show shipping methods admin has to enter his account code and account password which he received while signing the contract.
Seller can use Correios shipping extension as an additional shipping option. The Correios shipping method manages the Brazilian postal code system. Using this shipping module the seller can manage their shipping and order from vendor panel print invoice, can enter tracking ID, and complete shipping management from seller panel.
Magento 2 Correios Shipping Extension Features-
- Admin can enable/disable the module.
- Admin can set shipping method name that will be shown at the time of checkout.
- Allows vendor to enter the tracking ID which can be used to track the order.
- Vendor can enable/disable the module.
- Seller can generate Invoice and shipment for their orders.
- Vendor can set origin address.
- Vendor can select the shipping method for applicable countries.
- Calculate the exact shipping costs based on the postal code and weight of the package.
How Correios Shipping Addon works-
At Admin end-
After the successful admin has to enable Correios shipping extension for Vendors, vendor will see this option in vendor shipping method panel. Otherwise Correios shipping method will not be available for vendors.
At the vendor’s end-
When the Correios shipping extension has been installed and configured by the admin, then the vendor can configure the Correios shipping method in the vendor panel. Firstly, the vendor has to set the shipping settings in his panel.
- Active- Here the vendors can enable/disable the Correios shipping method for their products.
- Allowed Methods- Vendors can set the methods which they want to allow for their products. Only the allowed methods will be shown with the vendors’ products.
To calculate Correios Shipping rates, vendors have to give origin address details with correct postal code in shipping setting area of vendor panel.
At the customer’s end-
- On the cart page- Customer will see vendor wise Correios shipping method on the cart page. If any vendor has not enabled any shipping method then the customer will get the rates defined by the admin for the vendor’s products.
- On checkout page- After enabling Vendor Multi Shipping Addon and Vendor Correios shipping extension the customer will get vendor wise shipping rate on the checkout page.
Correios Shipping module offers real time tracking of the order-
Customers prefer to see the status of their packages after making an online purchase. They want to know the details of where their package is throughout the entire shipping process. Correios shipping method provides customers accurate and timely tracking information and offers user-friendly tracking system.
Correios Shipping module Benefits-
- Shipping rate calculation based on the postal code and weight of the package.
- Correios shipping method is the fastest and the safest delivery method.
- Real time tracking.
- The customers can check the estimated time of delivery with the shipping cost.
Magento 2 Correios Shipping Extension price-
You can refer to the following link in order to know more about the product, and its pricing etc.
Correios Shipping method is an extension for magento 2, It allows vendor to easily offer shipping rates which are based on the postal code and weight of the package. With the help of this module vendor can allow different Correios Shipping methods with delivery time. Vendor can manage the invoice and shipping of their products from vendor panel. At the time of checkout, customer will find all the available Correios shipping methods and can also see the estimated delivery time with shipping cost.
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