Flourish up your eBay game with eBay fixed price listings
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Empowering sellers with alternate selling options at a set price, enabling buyers to purchase the product instantly, and attracting potential customers wanting instant gratification, eBay fixed price listing stands as an outstanding approach. eBay fixed price format has turned into an overwhelming vital arrangement lately, and for a valid justification. With the auction-style of listing, the purchase decision is always entangled. To ease the process eBay Fixed Price listing is the way forward.
But what is eBay’s fixed-price format? What is the eBay fixed price listing duration? Are the listing charges costly? What is meant by eBay Good ‘Til Cancelled listing term? If these are some of your questions, don’t worry, we have got it all covered in this piece of blog.
eBay Fixed Price Listings – A brief in the past
Established in 1995, eBay had the only auction-style listing. Buyers could only bid some % more than the original price set by the seller and higher bidders would get the product. With the addition of the ‘Buy It Now’ option to the auction-style listing, the bidder can either buy a product at the same price or make bidding which has to be 30% higher than the actual price. However, with Fixed-listing on eBay, sellers and buyers have got more freedom than before.
eBay Fixed Price Listings – An introduction
Fixed Price listings offer products for quick and are bought at a fixed set cost. The Fixed Price listing enables you to sell your things in a split second at a set cost. Purchasers can buy your things promptly – no offering or pausing.
And that’s how it looks:
The price set for a product is not subjected to any change. There is no distinction between the beginning and end cost in a fixed-value listing with the exception of situations where the Best Offer advancement is being used.
Best Offer is a way for sellers to accept offers from buyers. Buyers can make an offer in the price of the product with an aim to bargain or negotiate with the product price. Being a seller you can accept, reject or suggest a negotiable price to the buyer.
How does eBay Fixed Price Format promise to improve the selling experience?
Since eBay presented ‘Buy It Now’ for lists under auction-style, the seller community on eBay showed a powerful urge to purchase and offer a few things in a split second at a set cost. In spite of the fact that sale style postings are a significant piece of purchasing and selling on eBay, the Fixed Price format
- Enable dealers to sell at a set cost all through the span of the posting.
- Give a speedy and simple path for purchasers to find and buy things in a split second.
- Give dealers a choice to sell things in the amount at a set cost.
- Draw in new purchasers who need to buy things in a split second at a set cost.
Indeed, Fixed price listings are equivalent to an in-stock retail thing that can be bought promptly, sent rapidly, and there is no value in wheeling and dealing. This alternative is alluring to purchasers in view of the speed of conveyance, and appealing to merchants in several ways mentioned below:
More Automation on Listings
Fixed value listings resemble stock at a standard retail location. Everything is available to be purchased whenever. At the point when a merchant has an eBay store, they can utilize a listing format called Good ‘Til Cancelled (GTC). With GTC, the lists recharge automatically every 30 days (about which we will be reading shortly).
This makes dealing with a store progressively computerized. Listings can be changed with the Bulk Editor so rolling out worldwide improvements to listings is simple and quick.
Best Offer Feature
With fixed value listings, dealers can empower the Best Offer Feature (as mentioned above) so customers can submit offers for the sellers’ discretion. The dealer has full control to acknowledge, decay, or counter the offer. Best Offer enables purchasers to begin a discussion with the dealer and arrange.
Markdown Manager
This component enables merchants to run deals. Sellers can write down things in a class or with a catchphrase at a specific rate. Markdown Manager can suit 200 listings at any given moment. Sale event + marker down help sellers to offer discounts and show a comparison between older and new price to attract customers. Take a look below:
By using sales event+ markdown, the seller could show the discount and price comparison. This helps Listing new products, attracting new buyers, and closing old products.

Quick Payment
Fixed Price and Good ‘Til Cancelled listing formats can incorporate the quick purchase system. A purchaser can tap on the Buy It Now option, and buy the product at the set price. Also, the items listed with Good ‘Til Cancelled are liable to automatic relisting after 30 days or until the list is ended.
What are the features of the eBay Fixed Price Listing Format?
When you list a thing with the new Fixed Price format:
- Purchasers can buy your thing quickly at the value you set, however, they can’t offer bids on your products.
- The Buy It Now cost is constantly accessible; it will not disappear or become unavailable.
- You can sell amounts of one thing or more for each listing.
- The thing will show up in standard eBay browsing and indexed lists.
- There is no extra charge per item. Notwithstanding, similar listing expenses and final value fees will apply with respect to closeout-style group listings.

What is eBay Fixed Price Listing Duration?
The listing duration for Auction style and Fixed Price style varies. Let’s see how eBay Fixed price listing duration differs in various cases:
Posting Duration
Auctions must be kept running for 3,5,7 or 21 day(s). At the termination of the posting, either a deal will happen or it will finish without a deal. On the off chance that you have actuated Auto Relist at that point, another sale will begin quickly, as long as the staying stock is no less than 1 and the thing hasn’t achieved its max ‘Relist limit.’
Closeout Start Price
This is the cost at which the offering will begin for your item. In the event that you leave this field clear, it will naturally utilize the cost from the General segment above.
Get It Now Price
This offers purchasers a fixed value choice available to be purchased style postings. This alternative is just accessible until the primary offer is set.
eBay listing duration “Good ‘Til Cancelled”
One of the numerous listing styles under eBay Fixed price listing duration is ‘Good’ Til Cancelled’ (GTC) posting. Under this configuration, your posting will be made for a span of 30 days.
What is an eBay Good ‘Til Cancelled Listing?
It will be a fixed value listing and toward the finish of the multi-day time frame, your posting will naturally get relisted. This keeps on occurring after each multi-day duration till a seller has sold all the items or has ended the listing.
The fundamental advantage of a Good ‘Til Cancelled posting is that merchants who have high inventories of the same items can prop a listing until they have sold all their stock. Since re-posting costs extra expenses unfailingly, vendors ought to be mindful so as to follow whether their deals are turning enough benefit or not. Another preferred standpoint of Good ‘Til Cancelled postings is the way that they highlight higher on best match seeks.
Since the past deal history is conveyed forward in recharged GTC listings, this leads to higher visibility on outcome pages. In any case, this is for the most part important to sellers with exceptionally high deals.
Is eBay Fixed Price Listing Fee Costly?
Well, on eBay, you don’t need to spend a lot to begin your business. This is one motivation behind why eBay has turned out to be a standout amongst the best web-based business organizations on the Internet and a sweetheart of Wall Street. eBay keeps expenses low and volume high.
Listing products with the new Fixed Price format will have a similar inclusion and final value fees as though the thing were recorded as a standard closeout thing.
Each thing, after your initial 250 listings every month recorded on eBay store is charged an Insertion Fee. The Insertion (or listing) Fee kicks in after those underlying 250 things and depends on whether you are listing fixed-value things or sell-offs.
What is an Insertion fee?
When you list a thing available to be purchased, eBay charges an expense for each listing, per class. This is called an additional expense or insertion fee. On the off chance that you list your thing in two classes, you additionally pay an insertion fee for the second classification.
Basic insertion Fees
- Initial 250 listings for every month (regardless of whether auction or fixed price) is Free.
- Categories under Hobbies and Toys, Accessories, Movies, Magazines have the first 250 free listings, $0.35 on each listing.
- Heavy equipment parts, Graphic Arts, Restaurant, and food services are liable to pay $20 on each listing.
- Clothing, Shoes & Accessories categories are FREE if the starting price is $100 or more.
- Additional charges are non-refundable if your product doesn’t sell.
- On the off chance that you relist your thing, charges are on additional expense for the first listing and each time your thing is relisted.
Zero insertion fees
The zero insertion fee varies for varied cases. The recent changes were made on 1st august 2020. Since then sellers with eBay store and Non-store have had different listing limits under zero insertion. You can check out the image below:
Besides, certain classifications are prohibited from the zero inclusion charge listings offer. One such case is, you’re qualified for zero addition expense listings when you list in the nation that you enrolled with.
For instance, on the off chance that you have an enlisted location in the US, you’ll just get zero inclusion expense listings on eBay.com. Become familiar with how zero inclusion expense listings work, including the terms and prohibitions for those listings.
eBay Final Value Fee
eBay takes a little Insertion Fee when you list your thing and after that a commission toward the back when you sell your thing. This commission is known as the eBay Final Value Fee (FVF) and depends on the aggregate sum of the deal (the selling cost of the thing, shipping, and some other expenses a merchant may charge, barring any business charge).
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Final thoughts
With the online retail scene moving perpetually toward development; the fixed-value position is digging in for the long haul and guarantees to have an extensive impact on eBay’s advancement. With eBay’s Fixed listing format, sellers now have multiple ways of selling and buyers have multiple choices of buying the products. Additionally, considerable zero listing limit, affordable eBay final value fee and numerous selling options like GTC, Best offers, etc. has made eBay more profitable and playful than ever before.