Choose videos for your marketing strategy during and post COVID-19!
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Times are hard. Almost every business is now on the rally to establish themselves digitally. And why not? This is now the most accessible and accurate way to reach out to their customers! We know that nowadays videos are the most preferred type of content. Therefore, you should choose videos for your marketing strategy!
In a survey, it was analyzed that internet users have started consuming 80% more content online during this pandemic than the regular days. People around the globe have enough time now to surf the internet and watch what suits the best to their interest!
So, there is a steep surge in demand. Those who understand this are really having a pretty smooth time, even when almost the whole world is on lockdown!
Your business isn’t online yet?
The research suggested that by 2022, 82% of the total content online will be videos. Nowadays, people are more likely to watch a story rather than reading it. Visual creatives like images and videos even now get more impressions and engagement to the businesses than simple text ones. That’s because videos/ visuals provide better recall and retention than text. No doubt, in the coming days, this trend is going to be unbeatable.
Evaluating the current trend, here are a few strategies that will undoubtedly help you in setting up video marketing for you in the most effective way-
Determine a clear goal for your campaign
Videos are getting popular. But that doesn’t mean that every video marketing campaign goes viral or digs out the expected result. No. Improper planning, unscheduled campaigns, and an unclear goal can easily make your whole campaign go in vain. In fact, a study showed that more than 40% of marketers have paused or stopped their video campaigns midway.
So, first things first, plan out your campaign. Ask yourself questions. Many questions.
Are you looking for more leads? Does your product/service have much awareness in the market? Do you want to just keep your existing customers delighted? What resources do you have for creating a video?
During COVID-19, even consumer behavior trends have changed. Take help from the internet. There are many websites like Google Trends, Ubersuggest, etc. that will help you in finding out what your customers are willing to watch right now!
Are your strategies meeting your goals?
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This is the time when you clearly analyze what the expectations of your consumers are and produce the same content with a clear plan.
Don’t just jump in. Understand the Narrative.
So now, we have a clear goal to move with.
COVID-19 has made many things change for businesses, and one of those things is the way they reach their customers. Everyone wants to reach out to their customers to tell them they are adopting the best measures to keep safety intact.
Want to start your online business?
This is good. This is relevant. But, when everyone does the same thing, the relevance is lost.
Around 43% of the customers said that the messages they’re receiving during this COVID-19 are way too similar.
That said, you must have a purpose for the conversation. You have decided your goals for your videos, but what about your customers’ expectations? If the video you produce is only fulfilling your requirements, that is certainly not the best idea to present. So, What to do?
Give back!
In the crowd, you need to make sure your message stands out. Enough of telling your potential customers that you have the world-class precautionary measures to deal with in such times. That’s old school now. Your content should ‘serve’ your customers rather than just you.
We tried doing the same. We tried supporting our community through our engaging and informative webinars and videos that helped them settle better during these hard times.
Also Read: CEDCommerce partnering Facebook to help SMBs transform business profiles into storefronts.
So, once you have your goals clear, it’s time to do some RnD upon how you can engage, uplift, and support your audience.
Give a voice to your brand
Every brand has it. Whether it be OREO’s Stay Home. Stay Playful ad, instilling some joy and a light heart feeling in our hearts or Apple’s Creativity Goes On ad which really inspires the locked up minds in this pandemic, they definitely said a lot about their products without even saying a word about it.
Agreed, that these big names have high budgets to plan out these campaigns, production teams, and a large audience base, but what’s there to learn is how they have used their voice in their videos.
High quality content gets good shares. So, this is the time to figure out what your brand’s voice is and how you can put it together in a way that your audience feels good sharing it, rather than just watching and scrolling through in their feeds.
Be where your audience is- Mobile!
It is now no secret that mobile phones have become really prominent over the last few years. All that one needs can be quickly done over a smartphone.
To make this point even more robust, a report analyzing the Consumer Behaviour during the pandemic suggests that 55% of people are consuming content through their mobile devices. So videos for your marketing need to be mobile responsive too.
Think about this. It might be the same case with you.(It’s the same with me though). When it comes to working, desktops and laptops are there. But, to do searches and surfing the internet, or even when it comes to shopping groceries, the almighty cellphones are there.
Do you want to take your business online?
So, one right choice is to optimize your videos for mobiles, and when it comes to choosing what platform you’re going to host your videos, think twice. YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine after Google, and Google, being its owner, does serve a few benefits as well.
Videos uploaded over YouTube get easily ranked over the SERP too. Do you know why? Videos have an improved chance of 53% over textual content. That is, if they are optimized well. Along with this, he audience base is now around 2 billion over YouTube! This gives you an extra push and extended reach.
Don’t worry about the budget. Just be smart.
As mentioned before, you might not have huge budgets like OREO and Apple Inc. to afford a big production house, or to spend so much money on just the process of video production.
So, what do you think you have? Let’s make a list-
- Social media.
- A phone with a camera.
- Smart video editors like iMovie and Inshot.
You’re good to go! The crux here is that, no matter how compelling your video is, there is no surety it is going to work. It is all about how optimum, the ingredients are put in. So when it comes to budgeting, think less of it and put more effort into how smartly you can play around with it.
If you think you have a ‘mid-range budget’ that went spare after setting up your Google ads, this guide might prove very helpful to you to create a marketing video for your brand. Think smart while you work hard. It saves a lot of effort.
Final Words!
There is a plethora that can be suggested to explain the prominence of videos over any other marketing material. Be it the type of video like explainer videos, or live videos. They are helping businesses achieve heights with all their might. Not just the various types but videos ads, video case studies are also contributing in the process.
Lastly, to add here, keep an eye out for the type of videos that are going viral during this pandemic. Look for what content they are making, the tone, what’s their end goal. Do some research. Dig a bit deeper and understand the expectations and demands. After all, nothing beats good research.
You’ll find out that videos that are bringing support and optimism are the ones getting more shares. In fact, social shareability with videos increases by 1200%. Whether it be a Bella Ciao trumpet performance from the balcony in Italy, or people cheering and clapping for the frontline warriors, our doctors worldwide!
Remember, times are hard, and people are looking for real info and support.
Are your strategies meeting your goals? Get a free marketing consultation today.