How to sell on Sears using Woocommerce?
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Sears marketplace is a community that allows the merchant to sell product or yourself to advertise on the sears. You can start your business with million of customers or drive traffic to your website.
Sears.com welcomes online seller with great product and enthusiasm to deliver quality after-sales service.

Image Source: Sears.com
You can easily sell on sears.com from your Woocommerce site. WooCommerce has several of extensions which can be used to sell on sears.com among them Cedcommerce helps the seller to offer their products at Sears.
How to sell on Sears using Woocommerce:
For sell on sears, you need to follow these steps-
Registration and Account Approval Information
For creating seller account you need to required following information and approved you as a seller on Seller Portal-
Registration Info
Business Address and Contact Information
Employer Identification
Registration Info:
Seller has to enter personal and business account information for sell on sears as seller like Name, Email, Password, Business Name, catalog size, Estimated Start Selling Date.

How to sell on Sears using Woocommerce: Register Yourself With Sears.com
Business Address and Contact Information
In this section, you have to enter your official business address, associated with your official employer identification numbers for sell on sears as like Business Name, Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Fax, Email.
Employer Identification:
In this section, the seller has to enter Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) that is on your business’s tax returns. Your TIN must match with your company name or Account holder’s Fist and Last name listed on your tax return.

How to sell on Sears using Woocommerce: Enter the detail of employer identification
After filling all the details click on Create my Account button for final submission.
Once you’re approved you get Sears API keys to selling on sears, these include:
Seller ID
Seller Email
API Authorization Key
Warehouse Location Id
Now, visit the plugin section of your Woocommerce store and start the installation.
For installing Sears Woocommerce Integration extension, go to Plugins > Add new and upload Sears Woocommerce Integration
(The extension ask some credential for installation)
After the extension is installed, then begins the configuration process.
Sears Configuration Setup:
To successfully integrate your Woocommerce Store with Sears.com and to start selling on Sears.com, few settings are required to be configured.
Seller ID:
Seller ID is required for integrating your sears seller account to your Woocommerce store. You can get sears seller ID by clicking on account button.
Generate API Authorization Key
For selling from Woocommerce website you need to generate API Authorization Key. You can generate it by Account Settings > Account Information and click on Generate New Key button.
You will also need Email which is used in sears account. You can get email by Account Settings > Account Information>Warehouse Location Id:
You can get the Warehouse location by Account > Fulfillment Location
After getting all the configuration information from sears seller account enter information into your Woocommerce website under Sears Woocommerce Integration extension.
After validating your credentials you are able to sell on Sears Woocommerce.
Thanks for you Interest!
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