Otto V2 API Sunsets Soon – V3 API Update available for Magento Integration Extension
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Otto API V2 is approaching its end of life on March 31, 2023. This comes with quite a stressful announcement for sellers using v2-based addons & extensions as they have to migrate to v3 before the due date, or else major API calls start malfunctioning. In the long run, all the API calls dependent processes will stop, exposing the store to security issues with no support from Otto post-sunset.
What does Otto API sunset mean?
In the words of Otto, an API sunset is a single timestamp, indicating the date after which consumers may no longer use the deprecated API element (in this case, Otto API version 2 or v2). After the sunset date, the Otto marketplace may (or will) remove API elements without further notice.
Also Read: How CedCommerce is Helping Sellers Amidst Bol v6 API Depreciation
What does V2 Otto API sunset mean for Magento Integration Extension users?
Amidst the Otto V2 API sunset and depreciation news in the air, CedCommerce has developed a fully supported V3-based Integration extension. Now the only thing Magento Integration users need to pay attention to is upgrading their extension to version 3 of the OTTO seller API before the deadline. With the new version of the Otto Magento 2 Integration, sellers can continue with uninterrupted selling on the Otto marketplace from their Magento panel.

Are you using outdated OTTO Magento 2 Integration?
Schedule a meeting with experts to switch from OTTO API 2 to 3
With this being discussed, now let’s move to another interesting topic pertaining to the Otto API sunset.
So, what are possible courses of action available for V2 API users?
Otto V2 API Sunset: What are the possible next steps?
- Option 1: Stay with V2
- Option 2: Upgrade to V3
- Option 3: Move Away from Otto
Option 1: Stay with Otto API V2
This is really not much of an option. This is more of a risk than an option. So, staying with v2 API may only work for a short time, and there is a very strong possibility that it may not even work at all post-sunset date. Since there will be no security fixes and support from the Otto team for V2, there is quite a high-security vulnerability.
In Otto’s words, “We only maintain the latest version of a profile and strongly encourage new API users not to implement outdated versions.”
We don’t recommend this course as your store has major disadvantages. Eventually, you will have to switch to V3, so why not just pick option 2, which is…
Option 2: Upgrade to Otto API V3
This looks like the most sensible course of action for now.
All you need to do is shift to the latest V3 API before the sunset date. There will be:
- Zero interruptions in your current selling campaign
- Improved Security
- Improved Response time to customers,
- Increased selling efficiency
- Reduced labour requirements
- Better chances to grow business
Just connect with your service provider and request an updated V3-based version. In case you are using a V2 API version of Magento Integration by CedCommerce – Connect with Us!
Option 3: Move away from Otto
This can be an alternative option, which is needless unless you plan to end your selling campaign on Otto or expand to new channels.
This option is the best fit if you plan to switch to alternate platforms of Otto or try new marketplaces to list your products.
Will it be more difficult to move to a completely different eCommerce platform? Not at all. As challenging as it may sound, the process of linking your Magento store with any marketplace in the world is quite easier with Magento Multichannel Integration.
Also Read: Grow Your Online Business with Magento Multichannel Selling
So, which option did you like?
Key Differences Between V2 vs. V3
This Otto v2 >> v3 API update is basically a performance and security enhancement.
Unlike the previous versions, the latest REST-based OTTO V3 API uses standard HTTP semantics as well as OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization, and returns. From a seller’s perspective, this will secure the store from threats and deliver the selling experience as wonderful as ever.
Also Read: Kaufland API 2.0 has completely replaced the older version. Know what you should do next.
V2 to V3 Migration: What You Need To Know
The process of migration from v2 to v3 is quite a tedious process. All you need to do is follow a set of sequential instructions, and you are good to go. Here is some information that you must be familiar with:
Time Frame
The time involved in successfully migrating from v2 to v3 is totally dependent upon the size of the catalog and data available at the store. Roughly speaking, a successful Otto API update from v2 to v3 extension can be performed within a few hours or latest, by 24 hours.
The customisations available in the current extensions needs to be saved before uninstalling the extension. Post Installation of the new extension, these customisation must be added again. It’s preferred to perform this under the guidance of a trusted Magento Developer.
Since a whole new extension is installed, the extension configuration process, including authentication and validation, must be performed again. Otherwise, the new Otto v3 seller API integration extension will not work until this step is done.
Below are the steps for a successful V2 to V3 Migration of Otto Integration:
- Make a list and Save the personalized customizations
- Uninstall the V2 based extension
- Re-install the Otto V3 extension
- Configure the extension
- Complete all the necessary Setup
- Add the existing and new customizations.
Begin selling on Otto from Magento using the v3 API-based Integration extension.
Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Switch To v3?
Whether you like it or not, the Otto v2 API will sunset on March 31st, 2023. This change is inevitable, and you can’t run from it. Ultimately, you have to switch to the new Otto V3 API if you want to continue selling on Otto without sabotaging your customer experience. So, it’s better to do it now. This way, you’ll save yourself a good amount of time and last-minute disturbance in your live sales.
Want experts’ advice on the Otto API update for the Otto Magento Integration extension?
eCommerce experts at CedCommerce are here to help you