New Releases, Updates & Fixes in Cenia Pro 1.0.1 Magento PWA Theme
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CedCommerce Cenia Pro Theme 1.0.1 for Magento PWA Studio comes with new releases, bug fixes, and updates as follows:
New Releases
- Breadcrumbs on Category and product page
Breadcrumbs work as a secondary navigation scheme that helps the user to identify the path of any page on the website.
- Filters on Category Page & Search page
Dynamic filters are available on product and search pages. Customers will be able to apply multiple filters at the same time.
- Sorting Options on Category & Search Page
Sorting options are available to search and category page. By default, all data is sorted by the Best Match option. You can use other attributes like price, product name in the sorting option too.
- Image lazyload
All images of PWA Studio will be coming through a lazyload that will reduce the wait time of important content now.
Get familiar with CedCommerce Cenia PWA Theme Demo and know what’s inside?
Design Updates
- New Filter view on Category and Search Page
Filters will be displayed as layered navigation on category and search page on desktop view
- Updates on CMS Pages on Mobile
You can create Cms Pages at the backend and can view them in your PWA Website with a responsive layout.
Bug Fixes
- Issues fixed in My Account Area
- Issues fixed in Newsletter Subscription
- Issues Fixed in Checkout
- Design related issues fixed for color swatches in the filter, product page thumbnails, breadcrumbs, etc.
Experience the power of Cenia PWA for Magento 2 with the Cenia PWA Theme Demo.
Know more in release notes about Version 1.0.2.
Get familiar with the approach towards improving the overall Magento Experience and let us walk you through our CENIA theme based on Magento PWA at our LIVE webinar.