Magento Multi-Vendor Marketplace: Vendor Order Addon

Magento Multi-Vendor Marketplace: Vendor Order Addon


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The Vendor Order add-on facilitate vendors to use the complete functionality of the Orders that the admin has previously.


Key Features are as follows-


  • The vendors can view their own order details in a more elaborate way.
  • The vendors can now create the invoice for their own orders.
  • Enables vendors to Ship their orders themselves.
  • Permit Vendors to generate credit Memo for their orders if a customer wants to refund the order for any reason.
  • Vendors will get a notification when a new order is placed or canceled.
  • Allow vendors to send a request to the admin for their order payment.


Order Life Cycle



Vendor Addon

Vendor Order Configuration –
To enable vendor order configuration, Admin has to navigate with
Store–>Configuration–>Marketplace –>Vendor Configuration–>Vendor Orders
Vendor Order Addon

Oder Placed By the Customer –>

Vendor & customer both will be notified when a new order placed in the website.
Vendor Order Addon
Create Invoice –>
Once the admin enabled the settings, Vendor can create invoice for his own products-
Vendor Order Addon
After invoice generation vendor will get a success message.
Vendor Order Addon

Shipment Generation By Vendor–>

To create shipment from vendor panel vendor’s shipping settings & methods must be enable from their panel.
Shipping Settings –>
First of all vendors has to enter Origin Address Details, For Shipping Settings-
  • Go to –>Settings–>Shipping Setting
  • Select country from the drop down
  • Select state from the drop down
  • Enter city name
  • Enter Zip code
Vendor Order Addon

Shipping Methods–>

To enable shipping methods from vendor panel:
  • Go to Settings–>Shipping Methods
  • Select Yes from Active drop down
  • Select allowed methods from the drop down
Vendor Order Addon
After shipping settings now to Create Shipment
Go to Manage Orders–>Select Order no. From the grid–>Click on view
Vendor Order Addon
Click on Ship button
Vendor Order Addon
Click on Submit Shipment button
Vendor Order Addon
Once the shipment created vendor will get confirmation message
Vendor Order Addon

Credit Memo

Once the invoice is created and the customer wants to return the product then the vendor will be able to create the credit memo for that particular order. Vendor can enter the refunded qty at the time of credit memo creation.
Vendor Order Addon
Payment Request
For successful orders, vendors can request for payment from admin for one individual orders as well as for bulk orders.
For payment request, Go to Transaction Requested Transaction

Vendor Order Addon



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About The Author

  1. Avatar for CedCommerce
    Evelina Ayodele

    Before using this order addon, I was totally jampacked with the orders, shipments, refunds of different vendors. I was really in need with a feature through which vendors can manage all this at their end. I researched and found your Vendor Order Addon which completely fulfills my needs.

    I am using this addon and it has really minimized my workload of managing vendor orders, shipments etc. Now my vendors can manage the orders, shipments or credit memos at their end only.

    Thank You!

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