Amazon A+ Content
How to Drive Conversions with Amazon SEO and A+ Content

How to Drive Conversions with Amazon SEO and A+ Content


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The bustling Amazon marketplace, teeming with over 310 million active users, demands innovative strategies to stand out from the crowd. This is where Amazon A+ Enhanced Marketing Content, also known as A+ content, comes into play. Also, by leveraging the A+ Content Manager tool, you can craft rich product descriptions, captivating visuals, and informative details that significantly enhance customer engagement.

A+ content goes beyond basic product listings, boosting Amazon SEO and driving conversions by providing a more immersive and informative shopping experience.

Studies show that customers gravitate towards products with engaging content, leading to the high ratings we see on many Amazon listings.

Let’s explore each of these topics in detail, so you’re ready to create valuable A+ quality content.

What is Amazon A+ Enhanced Marketing Content?

Amazon A+ Enhanced Marketing Content enables you to craft a captivating narrative around your voice, products, and features. This goes beyond simple descriptions by leveraging a powerful combination of:

High-quality visuals: Clear and concise product images, including close-ups and multi-angle shots, to showcase every detail.

Informative content: Crisp product information that resonates with your brand voice. Furthermore, this could include technical specifications and benefits presented in clear bullet points or tables

By utilizing these elements, A+ content transforms product listings into an immersive brand experience, fostering deeper customer understanding and trust.

Here are some examples of Amazon listings that have A+ content, to inspire you –

How Amazon A+ content looks

So what is Premium A+ (or A++) Content?

Interestingly, Amazon Premium A+ Content or A++ content is the updated version of Amazon A+ enhanced marketing content which allows the users to access videos, testimonials, comparative charts, and interactive FAQs.

With premium A+ content, brands communicate with the users through HD images, videos, and tutorials on how to use the product. The A++ content or Amazon Premium A+ content includes:

  • High-definition visuals: Immerse customers with stunning 720p video demonstrations and captivating product imagery.
  • Interactive elements: Incorporate up to 7 modules featuring interactive FAQs to answer customer questions in real time, enriching the shopping experience.
  • Crystal-clear product knowledge: Maintain transparency with a dedicated “What’s in the box” section, ensuring customers know exactly what they’re purchasing.

This premium offering helps you showcase product functionality through engaging tutorials, answer customer inquiries directly, and build trust by providing complete transparency about product content.

Here are some examples of Amazon listings that have Premium A+ content, to inspire you –

Standard A+ content enhances listings with rich visuals and descriptions, while Premium A++ adds features like HD videos, interactive FAQs, and more modules for a richer experience.

Benefits of using Amazon A+ Enhanced Marketing Content

Furthermore, A+ content is managed through the A+ Content Manager tool. This offers several benefits for brands and sellers on the Amazon marketplace. By leveraging A+ content, you can achieve a powerful combination of:

  • Enhanced Trust and Brand Credibility: A+ content showcases your brand’s commitment to quality and transparency, leading to a more positive perception.
  • Elevated Customer Experience: Customers can dive deeper into product features, benefits, and usage through rich visuals, clear descriptions, and interactive elements.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: By providing detailed information on product features, functionalities, and what’s included, A+ content can significantly reduce returns and boost customer satisfaction.
  • Amazon SEO: A+ content is packed with relevant keywords and product information, acting as a magnet for organic traffic within Amazon’s search engine. This improves your product’s ranking and visibility, leading to a wider audience and ultimately, increased sales.

In essence, Amazon A+ Enhanced Marketing Content helps you tell your brand story, showcase product value, and create a more informed and satisfied customer base. This translates into a powerful boost for your Amazon SEO, brand reputation, and ultimately, your bottom line.

Amazon SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) is the process of optimizing the keywords and the content of the product listing to rank higher in the Amazon search engine.

How to create Amazon A+ enhanced marketing content?

In addition to telling you about the A-Z of A+ Quality Content, we also have this guide to walk you through the process of creating A+ content for your Amazon products:

Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. A Seller Central Account
  2. High-quality product images
  3. Clear and concise product information


  1. Log In and Navigate: Head to your Seller Central Account


Amazon A+ content sign-in page

2. Go to the Advertising Tab and then click on A+ Content Manager.

Amazon A+ content manager

3. Start Creating: Click on the Start Creating A+ Content button in the upper right corner.

4. Content Details: Give your A+ Content a descriptive and memorable name in the content name field.

5. Building Your Content: Click on the Add Module button at the bottom. There are different module types available, such as standard and comparison modules. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

mazon A+ content modules

6. Adding Details: Now, follow these steps depending on the chosen module:

  • Images: Upload high-quality product images following the size requirements.
  • Keywords: Add relevant keywords that describe your images.
  • Headlines & Body Text: Craft compelling headlines and body text that highlight your product’s features and benefits.

7. Finding Your Product: Enter the ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) of the product you want to associate with this A+ Content. You can find the ASIN on the product details page within Seller Central.

8. Apply and Next: Once you’ve added and adjusted everything, click Apply Content. After creating your ASINs, click Next.


Amazon A+ content ASIN status page


9. Review and Submit: Carefully review your content to ensure all images are uploaded correctly and displayed within the size limits. If everything looks good, click Submit for Approval.

10. Amazon Review: Amazon will review your A+ Content. This process can take up to 7 business days or more. You’ll receive notification of approval or rejection, with reasons and suggestions for improvement if not approved.


  • Use high-quality images that showcase your product from different angles and in use.
  • Focus on the benefits your product offers to the customer.
  • Keep your content concise and easy to read.

Review Amazon’s A+ quality content guidelines for more detailed information and best practices.
By following these steps and incorporating these tips, you can create compelling A+ Content that helps your products stand out and attract more customers on Amazon.

Amazon A+ content final status page


How much does Amazon A+ enhanced marketing content Cost?

Fortunately, the good news is that creating A+ quality content itself doesn’t have a direct cost from Amazon! Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Seller Central Account: You’ll need a Professional Selling Plan on Seller Central, which has a monthly subscription fee (around $39.99).
  2. Content Creation: There’s no charge from Amazon for using the A+ Content features. However, you might incur costs for creating high-quality product images, writing compelling headlines and body text, or hiring a designer if you want a more customized look.

Learn: Amazon listing optimization 101 for beginners to increase sales

How does Amazon SEO benefit from Amazon A+ enhanced marketing content?

While everyone understands the importance of on and off-page SEO of a website –

Did you know A+ Content itself isn’t a direct ranking factor?

Amazon SEO and A+ Content work together to boost your product’s visibility and sales despite this!

Here’s how A+ Content can indirectly improve your Amazon SEO:

  • Increased Relevancy: A+ Content allows you to include relevant keywords. Additionally, this can improve your product’s relevancy to search queries, potentially leading to a higher ranking in search results.
  • Improved Conversion Rate: Compelling A+ Content can increase product page engagement and convince shoppers to buy. A higher conversion rate can be a positive SEO signal for Amazon’s A10 algorithm, potentially leading to a ranking boost.
  • Reduced Bounce Rate: A+ Content keeps customers engaged on your product page, reducing bounce rate (the percentage of visitors who leave immediately). Lower bounce rates are generally considered a positive SEO factor.
  • Better Customer Reviews: Well-informed customers who understand the product’s features and benefits are more likely to leave positive reviews. Moreover, positive reviews are a strong SEO signal on Amazon.
  • Budget-Friendly Option: It is also beneficial for those who prefer PPC (Pay per click) and ad marketing. When more people navigate to your products they click on your ads.

This improves the SEO and reduces the average cost of service and gives you an increased ROI.

Overall, while A+ Content doesn’t directly influence ranking, it can significantly enhance other SEO factors that contribute to a product’s overall visibility and organic ranking on Amazon.

Amazon A+ Enhanced Marketing Content Best Practices

A+ quality content can be a powerful tool for any product category, however, it is about tailoring your approach to the specific needs of your product that can maximize its effectiveness.

Here are some best practices and effective A+ Content elements:

  • Focus on high-quality visuals: Use clear, professional product images and consider lifestyle shots to showcase your product in use.
  • Craft compelling headlines & body text: Highlight product benefits with clear and concise language that engages potential buyers.
  • Prioritize mobile-friendliness: Ensure your A+ Content displays well and is easy to navigate on smartphones and tablets.
  • Incorporate A/B testing: Test different variations of headlines, visuals, and layouts to see what resonates best with your audience and drives conversions.
  • Optimize for relevant keywords: Include relevant keywords throughout your A+ Content to improve your product’s ranking in search results.
  • Consider your product category: Tailor your A+ Content strategy to the specific needs and typical customer behavior associated with your product category.

To help you understand better, here are some common examples of A+ content in two different product categories:

Apparel & Accessories:

Example: A clothing brand could use lifestyle images featuring models of different body types wearing the clothes in various social settings. They could also use close-up images with zoom functionality to showcase the quality of the fabric and stitching. A size chart with clear measurements and a fit guide explaining how the garment runs (e.g., true to size, relaxed fit) would be valuable additions.

Electronics & Computers:

Example: An electronics brand could showcase a detailed product specification table alongside a comparison chart highlighting how their product outperforms competitors in specific areas (e.g., battery life, display quality). Short video tutorials demonstrating how to connect the device to Wi-Fi or use a specific software program would be helpful for customers.

Finally, these are just a few examples, and the best A+ Content strategy will vary depending on your specific product and target audience. Tailor your A+ Content to effectively showcase your product’s value proposition and drive sales by understanding your category and its unique customer needs.

Things to Avoid:

  • Don’t use blurry and low-quality images & constantly check the pixel count
  • Do not mention guarantee clauses just to attract customers
  • Say no to plagiarized or delusive content
  • Avert the usage of personalized assertions like #No. 1 brand, #Best Selling Product, etc.
  • Don’t use elements like trademarks, links to other websites, or information from other sellers
  • Avoid quoting the customer reviews in your content to promote the product

Optimizing Amazon A+ enhanced marketing content for Conversions

Now that you have understood the do’s and don’ts of creating compelling A+ Content – it is a great first step, but don’t stop there! After creating Amazon A+ content you must try the A/B testing method. This allows you to refine your A+ Content even further, maximizing its impact on conversions.

A/B Testing for A+ Content:

A/B testing involves creating multiple variations of your A+ Content and showing them to different sets of visitors on your product page. By analyzing which version performs better in terms of conversions, you can identify the most effective elements and optimize your A+ Content for maximum impact.

Here are some key elements you can A/B test within your A+ Content:

  • Headlines: Test different headlines to see which ones grab attention and increase click-through rates on your modules.
  • Visuals: Experiment with different image layouts, product angles, and lifestyle photography to see which visuals resonate most with your audience.
  • Body Text: Test variations in the text content, focusing on the benefits you highlight and the call to action (CTA) used.
  • Module Order: See if rearranging the order of your A+ Content modules (e.g., starting with benefits vs. featuring technical specs first) influences conversions.

A/B Testing Tools on Seller Central:

Furthermore, Amazon Seller Central provides a built-in tool called Manage Your Experiments. This tool allows you to create A/B tests for various aspects of your product listing, including A+ Content.

You can define variations, set the test duration, and track results to see which version performs better.

Here are some resources to learn more about A/B testing on Seller Central:

Additionally, this helps you ensure your product information is not only informative but also highly persuasive, driving more sales and boosting your success on Amazon.

Ensuring Mobile Responsiveness

While A/B testing will help you narrow down your content choices, it is equally important to ensure your A+ Content is mobile-friendly in today’s mobile-first shopping world.

With a significant portion of Amazon purchases happening on smartphones and tablets, a seamless mobile experience is essential for capturing customer attention and driving conversions.

Ensure your A+ Content looks great and functions smoothly there.

  • Image Size Matters: Use high-quality images but keep file sizes small for fast mobile loading.
  • Less is More: Opt for clean layouts with key info upfront. Avoid overwhelming mobile users with complex designs or too much text.
  • Prioritize What’s Important: Focus on the most crucial product details at the beginning of your A+ Content.

Hence, it is best to follow these tips to create mobile-friendly A+ Content that keeps shoppers engaged and converting on their phones.

Analyzing the Performance of Your Amazon A+ Enhanced Marketing Content

After Mobile Responsiveness, it is crucial to track and analyze your A+ Content’s performance to maximize its effectiveness, just like you would for any marketing effort. By monitoring key metrics, you can understand how your A+ Content impacts customer behavior and identify areas for improvement.

Here are some Key Metrics to Track:

  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): A high CTR indicates your A+ Content is successfully grabbing attention.
  • Conversion Rates: A strong correlation between A+ Content exposure and conversions suggests its effectiveness in driving sales.
  • Scroll Depth: Higher scroll depth after A+ Content exposure indicates deeper engagement with your product information.

Analyzing Data with Seller Central:

Amazon Seller Central offers valuable reports and tools to analyze your A+ Content data:

  • Brand Analytics: This report provides insights into customer behavior, including A+ Content module engagement metrics like CTR and scroll depth.
  • Manage Your Experiments: If you’ve implemented A/B testing for A+ Content variations, this tool allows you to track performance and identify the winning version based on conversion rates.

Moreover, rather than just analyzing and optimizing, you can also gain valuable insights into how your A+ Content is performing by regularly monitoring these metrics and reports. This knowledge helps you refine your content for better engagement and conversions, and ultimately maximize your return on investment (ROI) from A+ Content creation.


Amazon A+ Content toggles

Conclusion: Your Key to Amazon Success with CedCommerce Integration

Amazon A+ Content empowers you to transform your product listings from basic descriptions to visually compelling and informative pages. Also, by leveraging high-quality images, clear descriptions, and strategic content modules, you can:

  • Boost Conversions: A+ Content educates and engages shoppers, leading to higher conversion rates and more sales.
  • Enhance Brand Storytelling: Showcase your brand story and unique selling points, setting yourself apart from competitors.
  • Improve Customer Satisfaction: A+ Content empowers informed purchase decisions, potentially reducing returns and boosting customer satisfaction.

Take Action, Reap the Rewards – With CedCommerce Integration!

Implementing A+ Content is a strategic decision with the potential to significantly improve your visibility, brand presence, and sales on Amazon. However, creating high-quality A+ Content can be time-consuming. This is where CedCommerce comes in!

CedCommerce: Your Amazon Selling Partner

CedCommerce offers a powerful and innovative integration solution that simplifies and streamlines the listing and selling process. Here’s how CedCommerce can help you:

  • Effortless Listing Management: Leverage user-friendly tools to bulk upload and optimize your product listings quickly and efficiently.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrate seamlessly with your Seller Central account for a smooth workflow.
  • Time-Saving Automation: Automate repetitive tasks like listing and inventory or order updates, freeing up your time to focus on strategy.

Start Selling Smarter Today!

By following the steps and best practices outlined in this guide, and partnering with CedCommerce for selling on Amazon, you can captivate your target audience and drive success for your business on Amazon. Don’t wait – visit CedCommerce today!

According to Amazon, including A+ content can boost your sales by 3-10%. Grab the opportunity, shine & stand out in the marketplace.

FAQs for Sellers

1. What is A+ Content Manager?

A+ Content Manager is a tool within Amazon Seller Central that allows you to create and manage rich product descriptions for your Amazon listings. Moreover, it goes beyond basic text descriptions, allowing you to include high-quality images, videos, comparison charts, and more.

2. What is A+ content on Amazon?

A+ Content, also known as Enhanced Brand Content (EBC), is the content you create using the A+ Content Manager. It enriches your product listings with visual elements and informative details, helping you tell your brand story and showcase product features more effectively.

3. Does A+ content help SEO?

While A+ Content itself isn’t a direct SEO ranking factor, it can indirectly improve your Amazon SEO in several ways:

  • Increased Relevancy: Rich content with relevant keywords can improve your product’s relevance to search queries.
  • Enhanced Conversion Rates: Compelling A+ Content can lead to higher conversion rates, which is a positive SEO signal for Amazon.
  • Reduced Bounce Rate: Engaging A+ Content keeps customers on your product page, reducing bounce rate (a positive SEO factor).
  • Improved Customer Reviews: Well-informed customers are more likely to leave positive reviews, which is a strong SEO signal.

4. How to qualify for premium A+ content on Amazon?

As of June 2024, Premium A+ Content is included for free on Seller Central. However, it requires enrolling in the Amazon Brand Registry and may involve more design and content expertise compared to standard A+ Content.

5. How to crack Amazon SEO?

There’s no single “crack” for Amazon SEO, but it’s a combination of strategies:

  • Optimize product listings: Use relevant keywords throughout your title, description, and A+ Content.
  • Positive customer reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews.
  • Competitive pricing & promotions: Offer competitive prices and strategic promotions.
  • High-quality product images: Showcase your products with clear and professional images.
  • Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA): Consider FBA to improve product visibility and delivery speed (positively impacts SEO).

With these strategies and creating informative A+ Content, you can increase your product’s visibility and organic ranking on Amazon.


About The Author

  1. Avatar for CedCommerce

    This article is really impressive and covers the in-depth process of generating and managing A+ content. The author seems to have invested quite a lot of time to put together such a wonderful piece of quality. Kudos.

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