![Customer Mobile Login Addon for PWA [M2]](https://d3vlhkqyz4y38a.cloudfront.net/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/100x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/a/b/about-customer-mobile-login-with-pwa-4_1.png)
Customer Mobile Login Addon for PWA [M2]
Product Specification | |
Framework | Magento |
Compatibility | 2.2.x, 2.3.x |
License | Single |

About Customer Mobile Login Addon for PWA
Magento 2 provides the facility to login/signup account through email id and password, so Customer mobile Login for venia PWA theme developed by Ced Commerce came up with the idea of Magento module with which customers can log in/sign up to their account using their mobile number and password or through OTP verification.
This module eliminates the need to use the email address of customers to manage their accounts and gives the ability to customers to manage their accounts using their verified mobile number.

Mobile number with OTP verification
Customers can register and login using their mobile number and secured OTP verification .

Specify OTP length and OTP type
The admin can set OTP string length and also select the OTP type from numeric, alphabets or alphanumeric.

Custom message
The admin can set a custom message to send registration, forgot password, and login OTP text SMS to users.
Offering alternative mobile login methods instead of default Magento login is a great way to help customers. Apart from it, if they are presented with security of login, it makes them feel safe. Magento 2 Mobile Login for PWA venia theme allows customers to login with a mobile number and provides security of login through OTP. This is very useful when Sometimes users with multiple email-ID forgot with which they have signed up.
Note- The OTP verification code is carried out using the SMS for which third-party integration of the SMS gateway is required. The Customer Mobile Login module is compatible with Msg91, Twilio, and Springedge SMS gateways.
Well, to provide a good to go login experience to our customers, we can integrate the Mobile Number Login feature in our stores through Magento 2 Mobile Number Login.
- The admin can set module status as Enable or Disable.
- The admin can set the OTP system status as Enable or Disable.
- Select the OTP type from numeric or alphanumeric.
- Admin can specify OTP length, Select OTP type numeric, Alphabets or Alphanumeric.
- Set custom OTP text for registration OTP SMS, login OTP SMS, forgot password OTP SMS, and update mobile number OTP SMS.
- Offers improved security to register, log in, forget the password, and update mobile number activity to customers by confirming the mobile number with OTP with the help of 3rd party SMS Gateways such as Twilio, springedge, and Msg91.
Easing things for the customers should be the prime motive of any online store owner. From integrating features to providing support, it is the customers who will get you the revenue and the help generate real sales for your store. Therefore, they say, Customer First!.
- Facilitate users to register and log in with the mobile number after OTP verification.
- Now customers can choose the option to login with OTP or Password.
- Customers can reset their password either by using a mobile number or email id.
- Customers can even enter the mobile number at checkout while entering billing information.
- Vendors can see the buyer email ID and Product ID during the chatting time.