Selling On Google Shopping Actions: ZillyMonkey Enjoys Enormous Sales!

Selling On Google Shopping Actions: ZillyMonkey Enjoys Enormous Sales!


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Driving incremental reach and boosting sales by selling on Buy On Google, Google Shopping ads, and Local Inventory Ads.

With the vision to strengthen their brand awareness online as well as in the local market, the modern home decor & gifts online store ZillyMonkey opted for Buy on Google (previously known as Shopping Actions) selling an option, followed by promoting their shopping feeds through Google Shopping ads and Local Inventory Ads. This has indeed boosted up their sales to the next level.

SElling on Google Shopping 1

Did you know about the new opportunity that lets you keep all your profits to yourself? With the exclusion of commission fees from the Buy on Google (previously known as Shopping Actions) programs, you can enjoy all the profits made through your sales. Grab the opportunity with us today!


“Contemporary, Modern, Affordable!”

Known for offering creatively designed, best-quality merchandise at pocket-friendly rates, Zilly Monkey is a unique gift shop that brings an innovative, elegant, and classy collection. Their products are meant to appeal to online shoppers looking for antique items for their special someone or their home.

Right from enchanting fragrances to aromatic bath & body essentials, from Michel Design Works items to Miffy & friends goodies, from the widely known Tumax Trellis Collection to the Greenwich Bay Trading Co and The Naked Bees, you name any brand or exquisite item of any genre, the online store ZillyMonkey which is owned by Vivian Cheng, has it all.

The single-channel online retail store was efficiently bringing smiles on their customer’s faces with their classy collection, but Vivian wanted to further their reputation online and reach the masses.


“Transforming Into A Multi-Channel Platform”

Though Zilly Monkey was well-handled on a single channel selling platform, Vivian wanted to explore her business on multi-channel selling platforms. This was when Cedcommerce’s proficient service came into the limelight.

About a year ago, Vivian contacted Cedcommerce and sought expert guidance for the problem she was facing on selling on a single platform.


Selling On Google Shopping Actions(Buy On Google): The Ultimate Solutions

Reaching Wider Audiences”

Phase I

Google Shopping Actions2

Disclaimer: All images are taken from the site for the purpose of decoration!

On contacting Cedcommerce, their skilled professionals initially suggested her to opt for selling on Buy on Google (previously known as Shopping Actions). She was assisted throughout the process of how to sell on Buy on Google (previously known as Shopping Actions) and witness wider customer reach-

This expansion proved to be quiet profitable for her online store ZillyMonkey. It did well in sales as well as in reaching wider audiences.

‘Buy on Google’ program in France will be ending on December 7, 2021. For more updates or support, get in touch with the experts at CedCommerce here!

Phase II

While opting for selling on Buy on Google (previously known as Shopping Actions) provided profitable returns to Vivian’s store, she thought of choosing Google Shopping ads. Along with the help of the assistance of Cedcommerce’s experts, Vivian-

  • Created Ad campaign business strategy using Google shopping feeds generated by Cedcommerce’s experts
  • Prevailed guidance in optimizing the product feed ads

Constant check on the progressive response and other metrics by the experts showed only relevant Google shopping feeds to shoppers who wish to buy her products. Through this, the online store ZillyMonkey made a strong presence on multi-channel business platforms.

Phase III

Google Shopping Actions3

Though, after opting for Buy On Google and Google Shopping ads, the retail outlet ZillyMonkey was doing great as a multi-channel selling platform, Vivian further thought of making a strong presence with her physical store in the local market. And, that’s when Cedcommerce’s Local Inventory Ads app service came into the limelight.

The team worked on her store’s local inventory ads feeds by helping her out with-

  • Setting up all necessary accounts such as Google Merchant Center account, Google My Business, and Adwords
  • Enabling LIA in the Merchant Center
  • Creating Shopping feeds and submitting

Though it took a little time to help her out with Local Inventory Ads, the team at Cedcommerce sorted it within a quick time.


The Outcome

Did you hear about the fantastic news from Google? Google has now allowed sellers to showcase their products on Google Shopping through Google Merchant Center. Thus, a major part of the Google Shopping page is going to be occupied by these free listings. All they need to do is create an optimized Shopping Feed via the Merchant Center and make sure Surfaces Across Google is Active. Enjoy this unpaid experience and create your Google Shopping Feed now:

“A Tremendous Success In Sales And Brand Awareness”

With the effective selling on Buy on Google (previously known as Shopping Actions) strategy, combined with Google shopping ads and Local Inventory ads app service, Vivian Cheng was highly satisfied with the results and witnessed:-

  • High recognition among the customers
  • Great hike in the revenue
  • Expanded Customer base
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