How to rank up your products at Bonanza
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In 2017, Bonanza had confirmed it has 15 million items for sale by more than 30000 active sellers. By listing on Bonanza you get the advantage of free distribution of your listings on sites such as Google sellers that show your products. Bonanza makes it super easy to sell by creation of booths even for newbies. But getting your item sold needs to get them visibility, while on back end Bonanza serves as a search engine. Hence you must comply with the algorithms while creating your SEO strategy to get on top of search results on Bonanza and on its partner sites. We have created a strategy to get started.
Keyword Research
It is the basis of start of any SEO strategy. It will give you insight on what keywords are most popularly searched for any product or its category. Once you find them, you can implement it throughout your listing. The most easy to use tool for this purpose isd Google Keyword Planner. Plus its free. Once you register in, you have to put some initial pool of keyword ideas (ones you think people might use to search more often).
Once you input your starting keywords, refine them with geographical constraints for better results, and click on get ideas. It will show you list of all longtail keywords suggestions with their relevance, CPC, etc. If you also have set up adwords account it will show you details about gender, and types of devices looking for those keywords. You just have to collect the relevant keyword ideas which have high search volume, low competition and prefer longtail keywords over single keywords. Once you have the list you are ready to use them on Bonanza Listing.
Titles and Descriptions
Now that you have your keywords ready, you can use them in titles and description of your listing. You can create your title with the main keyword (that has high search volume, less competition and best describes your product), with another high search volume keyword, with value that your product offers, and different variants of your product. To create effective description, you must use the relevant keywords in the body of description with proper density, and try not to overuse them.
Other tips for creating titles –
- Disown the special characters in title
- Don’t use all CAPS
- Limit the character count to 80
- Don’t include promotional text
- Don’t include any HTML
Creating titles using this strategy help you rank on top of search results and also qualifies your titles for Bonanza Feed partners.
You cannot afford to forget pricing your items, plus its mandatory. This plays a crucial roles when buyers are out on window shopping, they give high priority to price of items they are searching for. There are no up front costs on bonanza, and you pay a nominal fee for every sale of the product, so you can pass on the investment funds to your purchasers by diminishing Bonanza costs.
Product attributes are must for Bonanza listings wherever applicable. They enable the buyers to filter the search results based on class, size, color, brands. Right information put in, will boost your chances of visibility in search results.
Categories are another important parameter that is used by Bonanza while listing items in search results, as it heavily relies on it. It also plays a pivotal role in listing of your items in Bonanza Feed Partners.
It is highly advisable that you spend proper time while categorization of your items. If you are not sure what category your item belongs to, you can take reference from your competitors. This will give you a better understanding what is a general choice. Though Bonanza also offers a feature ‘Guess my Category’, but it is advisable to do a thorough research before putting up category. Try to give three levels of category to your items, when possible.
Bonanza Advertising and Feed partners
Bonanza advertising and feed partners is a very powerful program that gives your product a high visibility with minimum efforts, and enhances the Bonanza selling experience. Bonanza has a network of partner sites such as Google Shopping, Next Tag, Bing Ads and even eBay. That means you can give your items on Bonanza a whole new dimension in terms of their reach to potential buyers.
The most remarkable feature of Bonanza advertising is that it charges you nothing at upfront. The cost of this feature comes when you make a sale. Different packages in the program cost you fee as per the plan and outreach you get. If you keep the margins as per the advertising package you will be in a winning situation. It is absolutely not a burden on Bonanza Selling fee, but an asset. Some feeds might not accept your listing due to some constraints, it is necessary to comply with them on base of best practices mentioned below.
Some of the Bonanza partner sites might disapprove your listing because of the improper titling. But if you have adhered to the instructions mentioned it won’t cause a problem. For example, Bonanza Google Shopping will never accept titles types in entire CAPS or ones having special characters.
Product Identifiers
Another detail that is important for creating your listings, and helps in the SEO of product in great deal is putting the right and relevant product identifiers with all items.
If your product has category that requires particular product identifiers such as ISBN (for books) or MPN (manufacturer part number), then you must specify them. It is also required by the Bonanza Feed partners. For example UPC is required by Google Shopping for all new, brand name items.
Main Product Image
The primary image for the product must have a clean, clear and crisp communication. Ideally it should be set on a white background, showcasing your product. It should not contain watermarks, and advertising texts such as buy now, which will lead to disqualify the item from certain Bonanza feed partners. If the image has cluttered background image, it could be corrected using Bonanza Background burner tool.
Other Parameters
Bonanza require some more conditions to be met for listings to be accepted by its feed partners.
- All feed partners require you mention the condition of the item (e.g. New, or Used)
- Some feed partners require product description for some categories. Though you should be sure, to include a description stuffed with your keywords for all listings.
- Mention gender for all applicable categories, as it gets needed by some feed partners.
- Color, age group and size are other parameters that are needed by some feed partners especially for categories such as clothing and apparels.
- You must also put your profile picture, so buyers can know whom they are buying from. The ideal dimension for profile picture is 400 * 400 pixels.
Implementing the right SEO strategies will surely help you rank up in search results. Though it takes a bit of time to be reflected. Bonanza proves to be an excellent choice if you look to expand your ecommerce business, or even if you are setting out your journey in ecommerce. With excellent programs such as Bonanza Feed Partners you get a fair chance of improving your sales, and SEO gives you a dig at improving your visibility, to embark the journey of your products in becoming top selling items on Bonanza. When both applied with right force, you will get the results you aspire for.
Wait! One more thing!
For the ultimate solution on the best way to excel on Bonanza Marketplace this holiday season, check out our eBook:Easy Guide To Start Selling On Bonanza. Look for regions of improvement yourselves, or let us help. Reach us with your query at apps@cedcommerce.com
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