6 Tips To Optimize eBay Listing for Mobile
How To Optimize eBay Listing for Mobile

How To Optimize eBay Listing for Mobile


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It is needless to tell the massive presence of eBay mobile listing when it comes to online marketplaces in the e-commerce world. Selling on it has not only been lucrative for the online merchandisers but creating their brand a known name. Let’s see how to optimize eBay listing for mobile.


However, what is today’s highlight is how appealing you as a seller make your eBay mobile product listing for the mobile eBay users. With more than half of the eBay mobile transactions being viewed on mobile before a transaction takes place, it becomes inevitable how crucial it is for a product to be optimized for mobile.


To optimize eBay listing for mobile and for a better result to be generated, glance through some of the major points. These points can help you optimize eBay listing for mobile and procure you results that can be ultimately decisive for your business and sales.

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6 Points on How to Optimize eBay Listing for Mobile


Have a look at the points mentioned below and get the answer to the vital question-How to optimize eBay listings.


  • Create responsive eBay listing


The first and most important point that needs to be considered to optimize eBay listing for mobile is to make the eBay listing responsive by making mobile-friendly listings. However, to make it responsive, there are many points that need to be focused on. Making the eBay mobile listing responsive means that your eBay listing should be appealing and look presentable on all the devices namely, mobile, tablets, smartphone, and other devices.

In the attempt to do so, few pointers can be worked upon which have been listed below.


    • Font – Inappropriate eBay listing font makes the buyers frustrated. Pinch to zoom is something that can sometimes not only make your product appear unappealing but not makes the eBay users uneasy. To eliminate such possibilities, you are advised to use only a base font size of 16 CSS pixels along with using just one or two font sizes to optimize eBay listing for mobile.
    • Formatting –  Formatting is the next point to optimize eBay listing for mobile and making eBay mobile friendly. The simple step for appropriate formatting is to align your copy to the left side, use of the black colored text of size 14 text on a white background. In addition to this, the use of bullets or a basic list format is suggested for easy scanning.
    • No Horizontal Scroll – Horizontal Scrollbars are not at all mobile-friendly in this era when mobile buyers are accustomed to an easy-to-access mobile version of websites. Do not use them and for this, when setting the viewport, don’t use fixed-width value as it causes listing description to appear inappropriate in some devices.


  • Writing concise eBay description helps in making eBay mobile friendly


Nobody likes to spend extra time anywhere these days when things are easily available everywhere, let alone be the eBay mobile users. They do not have time to read a long eBay description in which you have included points like product features and specifications again and again.


eBay too shows the part of the eBay description which is most relevant for the eBay users. Shoppers also are in the haste to see similar products on multiple e-commerce websites. If you cannot garner their attention and generate their interest, your chance to make them your buyer vanishes. The answer to it is to write a short, sweet, and simple eBay description which is quick to read and easy to understand, in order to optimize eBay listing for mobile.


If users can understand your product and its utility, you have done half of the work. At the same time, consider it not to repeat the policies again and again. eBay already shows the shipping, return, and payment policies on top of the mobile eBay listings. Use eBay listing fields to include your payment, postage, or returns information. It helps more instead of writing all the information in the eBay description itself.


  • Images make eBay mobile friendly


In the age of HD, use of non HD, unclear images would profile you as a merchant of a bygone era. There are few points which are a must to optimize eBay listing mobile. Have a glance-

  • 500 pixels wide images or larger as 800 – 1600 pixels – Use of high-resolution images that are at least 500 pixels makes the eBay users understand the product and its specifications well. Bigger is even better! Images as large as 800 – 1600 pixels makes it easy for your buyers to zoom-in and see the fine details of the product you are offering.
  • Use the eBay photo uploader and upload up to 12 photos free of charge.
  • Keep in mind that users don’t have much time and inclination to stay on a page. To make them stay, you need images that stand out. You may use slogans, or different messaging in the image to make it an outstanding one.


  • Use Product Identifiers to optimize eBay listing for mobile


To help your eBay users, use the product identifiers as they can find your product using identifiers in the search. Use the product identifiers and eBay will make it sure that your eBay product listing related important information appears on mobile devices. If your eBay user is using the filter and you have entered the product identifiers, it helps your eBay listing appear in the search results solely.


  • Avoid active content for mobile-friendly listings


Use of JavaScript, Flash or extra HTML in the description is a must-avoid practice to make mobile friendly listings on eBay. To decrease the loading time on mobile, and to make eBay mobile friendly, the active content should be avoided as slow loading makes the users wander off from your product to some other.


  • Use the eBay Catalogue to make eBay mobile friendly


Using the eBay catalog renders you the automated listing description for some brand new products when you input the product identifiers. The use of eBay catalog thereby saves you time and makes the eBay mobile friendly and by helping you create mobile-friendly listing.

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These were the six points that make it easy for you to optimize eBay listing for mobile and render your user’s mobile friendly listings. For the convenience of your eBay users, it is utmost important for you to offer them easy to understand, presentable, and mobile-friendly listings which as a result, gives you a booming sale, terrific traffic, and unmatched value and appearance. Since most of the users today use mobile devices, make it sure you are doing what it takes to make eBay mobile friendly and see the change in your business unprecedentedly.


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