How To Convert Your WooCommerce Store Into A WooCommerce App

How To Convert Your WooCommerce Store Into A WooCommerce App


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What is WooCommerce?

Many of those who are running an eCommerce website on WordPress must have heard of WooCommerce app /website or might even be using it.

WooCommerce is one of the best plugins on the WordPress website for eCommerce store owners, it is for selling products online. With WooCommerce plugin you can sell both physical and digital products, manage your inventory, monitor the shipping and delivery of products, can make the payments secure and sort the taxes automatically.

You’re given full control to manage the transactions on your website, additionally, it provides full support for mobile devices as well.

It has been proved to be the best and the most popular plugin for eCommerce websites so far, despite the premium feel it delivers to users, it is totally free and open to download for all.

Benefits of converting Woocommerce store into an app

Converting Woocommerce store in an app can benefit your business in following ways:

In-built Analytics

Mobile apps are now coming up with numerous advanced features like analytics, it lets you easily track performance of your app. It give you a clear and detailed representation of visitors on your app.

Interactive and intuitive

Apps are more interactive and the biggest advantage of using apps is the user -friendly interface

Ease in Mobile shopping

A recent research shows that over a half online sales are subjected to smart phones. As mobile users are increasing every day, demand for interactive and user friendly applications and plugins are also increasing with a fast speed. Mobile apps offer simple and user friendly shopping experiences to online shoppers.

Brand awareness and Recognition

Mobile apps are also very beneficial for the promotion and branding of your business. Beautiful , interactive , user friendly interface and other interactive features can make your brand standout among others.

Most Apps Works Offline

Now the apps like Native applications have the ability to work online, where in the case of a website it always requires an internet connection to work.

Increase Customer Engagement

Apps are very helpful in increasing customer engagement level , it helps in building a direct marketing bridge channel business and their customers .

What is WooCommerce app builder?

Woocommerce app builder lets you convert your online store into a Woocommerce app without any hassle. You do not have to worry about anything; all the data and inventory will automatically sync into your mobile app. It enables you to create, design, and customize yours as per choice. It lets you create a beautiful mobile app to keep your customers engaged and helps in increasing the conversion rate.

Read also: Top 7 Mobile App Trends in 2021 and beyond

Converting the WooCommerce website into a WooCommerce App:

Wish to convert your WooCommere online store into a WooCommerce app? Building a WooCommerce Native app is extremely easy with MageNative

MageNative offers a variety of mobile solutions and has a vast, global client base. Established just two years ago, the company has been heavily involved with customized m-Commerce developments. The company has a full-fledged research division, which constantly strives to create state-of-the-art solutions for eCommerce store owners, looking to expand into mobile commerce domain.

Know Why Your Business Needs A Mobile App

This is a step-wise tutorial to let you understand How to turn your WooCommerce store to Mobile App:

  1. Visit our site i.e https://magenative.cedcommerce.com/
  2. Click on “30 days free trial” button on the home page
  3. Woo commerce homepage

  4. You will be redirected to the “trial page” fill all the details and proceed further.
  5. WooCommerce

  6.    You’ll receive the e-mail regarding MageNative App trial request.
  7. Then you’ll be contacted via e-mail from our team confirming the approval of your trial request for the app
  8.  Then you will generate the license key from your end in the dashboard section
  9. You’ll visit “My Purchase Extensions” and clicks to download License Serial key
  10. WooCommerce

  11. Download the Plugins of WooCommerce Mobile.
  12. WooCommerce

  13.  Then  Go to the wp-admin panel and download the plugins.
  14. WooCommerce

  15. Go to Add New section and then upload plugins and choose the file.
  16. Then fill the license key and validate.


MageNative enables the user to customize the app on their own or we will send a requirement doc in which we need the image for the mobile app like:-

  • Splash screen: (1280X2272)[startup image]. The First Screen what the user sees when he opens the Application, it will stay for a while and then the home screen appears.
  • WooCommerce

  • App launcher Icon: (1024×1024) [ Icon to start image ]. App launcher icon will show in the applications grid of the device.
  • WooCommerce

  • App logo icon: (320×55) [ image in top navigation bar]. This logo will show in the toolbar of the Application.
  • WooCommerce

  • App theme Colour- This is the basic color of application that will show  all over the application
  • Login page logo icon:(255×161) [Login page logo icon ]
  • WooCommerce

  • Placeholder product: (300×300)[Placeholders for image loading time]
  • WooCommerce

  • Category placeholder: (100×100)Placeholders for category image loading time]
  • WooCommerce

  • Banner placeholder:(700×300). This image will appear till the banner product will load to your screen. You can replace t with an image of your choice.
  • WooCommerce

  • Domain name (home website URL)- Your Website Domain URL
  • Base Url- URL of your website where our packages installed.
  • Package name (like com.companynme.appname)
  • App Name- Your Application Name
  • Notification Icon:This icon for android(1024×1024) [ image for push notification icon]. The push notification in the app will appear with this icon.


After the submission of all the required details, your app will be built within 8 working hours. And, will be sent to you through google play store or any medium as per your wish.

Why MageNative?

MageNative offers a useful app builder that helps the user to create as per their convenience in an easy and flexible manner. It helps you to easily turn a woocommerce store into an app with default web functionalities and amazing features for enhanced user experience.

  • Interactive and intuitive interface.
  • RTL support
  • Multi Language
  • Compatible with WooCommerce 3.0.0 to 4.0.1
  • Supports both android and ios platforms

So the MageNative app can be helpful to users in many ways by offering amazing and useful features to its users in order to provide an excellent user experience.


How many products can Woocommerce handle?

Woocommerce can handle thousands of products , this will generally depend on Woocommerce and the user’s web hosting.

Is buying a plugin or WooCommerce extension a one-time charge?

When buying a Woocommerce product , the user is getting a subscription to receive support and updates. For more information you can visit Subscription Renewals

Is there any sample content for Woocommerce?

Yes woocommerce offers a set of downloads , where the user can easily test with his theme. You can check it from here Theme Demo Content

How often are themes updated?

You can update the theme anytime when you discover a bug or want to add any new feature. You can check the latest version from downloads page

Can I add products from my mobile phone?

Yes it enables users to create , modify and publish items directly from mobile phones.

About MageNative:

Getting your Mobile App is much easier now with MageNative. Since 2016, MageNative Mobile App builder is providing mobile solutions for E-commerce merchandisers and helping them to get a fully Customisable Native App. We work on several frameworks such as MagentoMagento 2WooCommerce, ShopifyOpencart and Delivery App for Magento 2. We have provided 500+ apps in the last 2 years, and successfully earned 5-star reviews on the App Store. MageNative has its Happy customers Globally over 20+ countries.

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