A quick way to sell on Newegg with BigCommerce!
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Is your primary audience or potential audience a tech lover? Do they mostly reside in the US and Canada? Are you looking for B2B opportunities in addition to the B2C?
If answers to all of them or any of them is yes, selling on Newegg Marketplace should be your top priority. It offers competitive pricing of products with a firm commitment to on-time order fulfillment. Preferred by BRANDS, Newegg has won so many awards for its excellence.
Considered among the hottest marketplaces for tech lovers, Newegg is the best choice for sellers to target wide range of audiences. Whether you sell gadgets, health and sports tech and apparels appealing to individual tech lovers, or sell office solutions, software & services for B2B business, Newegg is the apt choice for you.
Newegg has three parallel verticals-
- Newegg U.S
- Newegg Canada
- Newegg B2B
Let’s brief you on the three Newegg parallels:
a) Newegg U.S. (Newegg.com) – Based in California, the company was founded by Fred Chang. The company aims at providing sellers a platform to feasibly display & sell their products. Gadgets & electronic devices form a prominent category of this Marketplace. This allows you to sell globally.
b) Newegg Canada: Capturing a huge proportion of Canadian Marketplace, this Marketplace aims at promoting sellers dealing in electronics & devices, to have a hold on Canadian e-market.
c) NeweggBusiness (B2B): NeweggBusiness offers competitive pricing on its unparalleled product selection, with a firm commitment to on-time order fulfillment. We empower customers to make the best purchasing decisions by offering detailed product information, peer reviews, expert opinions, product tutorials and the opportunity to network with other members of the NeweggBusiness community. Customer satisfaction is Newegg’s top priority, achieved by delivering superior service with our ever-present philosophy of putting the customer first.
Selling products on Newegg is no rocket science, in fact, it’s A QUICK process. First, it requires your application to get approved by Newegg.com before you can list your products at this marketplace. If you haven’t been approved by Newegg, just follow the below procedure:
- Visit this link https://www.newegg.com/sellers/index.php/apply/ and click on “apply” on the top right corner. The following application form appears, where you need to provide your details.
- Once you submit your details, the form is reviewed by Newegg and once it gets approved by Newegg, you receive your seller USERNAME and PASSWORD for your seller panel.
- After you receive these details, you need to send email to datafeeds@newegg.com, requesting them for API keys.
As a result, you will receive Seller Id, Authorization Key, and Secret Key from Newegg which will be used for connecting your BigCommerce store with Newegg marketplace. Once your request is approved, and you have the required information with you, all you need is Newegg BigCommerce Integration Plugin. A QUICK way to sell on Newegg with BigCommerce is right below:
Newegg Marketplace Integration App Installation Process:
1) To sell on Newegg with BigCommerce, visit the App marketplace section from your BigCommerce app panel and search Newegg Marketplace app. The page appears as shown in the following figure:
2) Click the Install button. The confirmation page appears as shown in the following figure:
3) Click the Confirm button. Once you confirm the page, the Registration page appears as shown in the following figure:
This is the beginning of 5 step configuration step, completing which you’re able to use the app to automate the selling operations at Newegg.
4) In this step, merchants need to enter their personal and businesses’ basic details such as Full Name, Mobile, Email, Shipping Source, and one Survey Question and proceed to step 2, wherein they’re required to enter the API details obtained from the Newegg Marketplace.
5) The API information page requires you to enter the Seller Id, Authorization Keys, and Secret Keys as shown in the following image:
Thereafter, the category mapping and attribute mapping step remains where you place the products of your store within the right category at BigCommerce.
3 features you must know about your Marketplace (Newegg) :
1. Ever expanding customer base: 191 million yearly customers make it one of the largest e-commerce marketplaces. It will provide you with a platform so that you can understand your targeted audience and convert them into sustainable customers.
2.Shipped by Newegg- Faster fulfilment services help you to cater to customer’s expectation of receiving their orders in the shortest span of time.
3.Faster Payments- Selling on Newegg means you don’t have to wait for too long to get paid for the products that were sold from their platform. The general payment processing time duration is 15 days.
Advantages of Newegg Marketplace Integration for BigCommerce:
1. Real-Time Synchronization:
Be it sales made or any change made in the product information, inventory, order, all the changes are synchronized and reflected at Newegg in real-time.
2. Auto Acknowledge order:
No need to be always available to accept orders, the app has auto acknowledge function which accepts and fetches order to your stores even when you aren’t available.
3. Bulk Product Upload:
Upload the products in large quantities with just a single click of the mouse to save your time & effort.
4. Threshold Inventory:
Lets you define the minimum quantity for products. Therefore, no order is accepted whose fulfillment is not possible. This prevents you from overselling.
5. Instant Notifications:
Updates BigCommerce through notifications for every change – Product Stock Mail, Order Fetch Mail, Order Not Fetch Mail, Ship Order Mail – an email is sent.
To read the full details, please refer to the manual: Newegg BigCommerce Integration.
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