How to Promote Your Etsy Shop On Pinterest in 2024 – Everything You Need To Know
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Name any two platforms that come to your mind when we speak of designer clothing, DIY crafts, gleaming posters, creative photographs, etc. You may be wondering about “Etsy” and “Pinterest”. Isn’t it? These are only two platforms that come in close proximity with this niche and coincidently these platforms cater to quite a similar audience. From the perspective of a seller its noting less than a dream if one can utilize both platforms to market and sell products. Well, this blog is all about making that dream true. In this blog we will extensively cover the topic on How to Promote Your Etsy Shop On Pinterest along with various tips and trick for sellers.
If you already have an Etsy shop, you must be well aware of how important it is to get traffic from Pinterest. Now, traffic generation is not something that you can make just by a mere existence on a single podium.
To grab those like-minded people for your creation, you ought to connect & promote Etsy on Pinterest and drive enough sales to your store.
To do so! you need to understand the following
- What is Pinterest
- Why promote Etsy on Pinterest?
- How to promote Etsy shop on Pinterest?
- Etsy On Pinterest
- What makes Etsy promote your shop on Pinterest?
- How to get the most of Pinterest?
You must have asked these questions multiple times by now if you already. Let us help you with the reasons & answers. For driving traffic, you need to market your shops on different social media dais, and what better platform could be there other than Pinterest
In case you are oblivious of Pinterest, let us brief you about it.
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Enough of the chit-chat. Now let’s discuss the topic of interest.
What is Pinterest?
To define it, Pinterest is a virtual pin-board and a platform for sharing images. You can pin (share and save) and re-pin (re-share and save) images on this platform.
To draw a perspective – ‘Pinterest is as popular as Instagram with millennials’.
To give you a rough idea of how big of a platform Pinterest is and how big of an opportunity it creates for sellers worldwide, we’ve compiled a list of facts and statistics about the platform.
Now let’s get to our main topic of interest.
Why promote Etsy on Pinterest?
Pinterest is a source of organic and targeted traffic. Your pins related to your listed products will drive the most relevant traffic to your shop. Hence it is one of the best ways to promote Etsy products. Moreover, to get traffic from Pinterest, promoting your Etsy shop or marketing your shop is a beneficial step. Here are some of the reasons why:
Pinterest Audience Loves to Buy
Know the fact that Pinterest audience is buyers as well.
The majority of buyers made a purchase after seeing the product on Pinterest. Moreover, a survey suggests that 83% of users on Pinterest follow the brands they like and not celebrity accounts. Hence, it’s clear that the intent of the majority of Pinterest users is to shop.
Let’s see how it all works with an example. Say, when the prospects search for “Handmade Gifts” on Pinterest to get ideas about what to gift to a certain someone for a celebration. Pinterest will come up with all the results on the handmade gifts category. Among those results, you will surely find items from the Etsy marketplace, as handmade products are the niche for Etsy you need not make any extra efforts to market your products on Pinterest.
Pinterest’s audience is curious and has a knack for unique collectibles; these items can be furniture, showpieces, gifts, home decor, or anything you can think of. They are very much into art and craft, and Etsy is a platform for artists who create things. What other wholesome reason do you need as to why you should promote your shop on Pinterest?
Distribution between Male & Female Buyers
In case you have an Etsy shop with items for men, and you do feel cornered on Etsy because of its huge female audience, then let Pinterest establish some equality there.
As mentioned in our previous blog, more than 80% of Etsy shoppers are female, and according to a survey, it was found out that 60% of Pinterest users are also female. Since, 40% of the Pinterest audience is reported to be male, which is far more than what we have on Etsy.
Well, there you have it. Now you can see why Etsy and Pinterest are such a pizzazz. By Promoting an Etsy shop on Pinterest you will be getting a balance in shoppers and will cover much more male traffic from Pinterest than Etsy search can provide.
Display where your buyers already are
According to another Pinterest’s survey, 98% of the users have tried something new that they found on the platform, which clearly shows that Pinterest influences a lot of buyers. If you look at the rankings of Pinterest and Etsy, you’ll find a fine line between the two. Pinterest accounts for about 42% of the social traffic on Etsy. This huge traffic reference makes Pinterest an important platform for marketing your Etsy Shops.
Etsy has been dominating the Pinterest world. Etsy has got the most number of repins leaving all other sites far, far behind.
If you are still confused about whether you should promote your Etsy shop on Pinterest or not, here’s the biggest reason why you should.
Well, the traffic that you will generate over Pinterest can be directed to any other channel apart from Etsy. Hence, if you are someone hoping to sell through multi-channel selling in the future, promoting your current shop on Pinterest and generating traffic to your Pinterest account is not going to be a waste at all. Especially, if you can manage to maintain your traffic with consistency and right promotional practices.
Apart from all that
Pinterest will also allow you to do competitive research and generate new ideas for your shop as well as listings.
Another benefit that you can reap from Pinterest is mining keywords from the platform. This will help you get found on Etsy more often. You might ask why Pinterest? Well, because it has specified searches from the audiences, and these searches can be your keywords.
You can even search in the Etsy Pinterest section. In a specific category, you can see the most searched subcategories that can be used as keywords. Plus, you can also draw ideas from different pins as to what keywords are used for their descriptions.
Now lets ascend to more detailed sections of this blog that sheds light on how to connect Etsy to Pinterest and promote Etsy products on both platforms.
How to promote Etsy shop on Pinterest
Pinterest is a sturdy platform to drive a mega mass of organic traffic to your Etsy store hands down.
Now that you know that promoting your Etsy shop on Pinterest can be a potential game changer for your business. Let’s talk about how to get started. Trust me, it’s not rocket science and with a little bit of practice, you will be playing like a pro in no time.
The basics of getting started
A business account
A business account on any social media platform provides you with the insights of each of your posts. Through these insights, you can draw out which posts and pins are performing better, and you can further plan your pins according to the ideas. The insights also help you to know more about the trends and what’s popular among the audience.
It’s okay if you have a personal account on Pinterest, you can update the same one as your business account. Just make sure you do not have existing content on your account that is irrelevant to the target audience for your Etsy shop. If you want to skip the audit, just go on and create a fresh new one.
Once you’re done with creating your account, complete your profile. Again, nothing too difficult, just make sure your name resembles your shop name, and within the description, you have added relevant keywords to attract your target audience. There are no defined steps on how to connect Etsy to Pinterest. Just don’t forget to put a link to your Etsy shop.
What are boards? Simply put, boards on Pinterest are just like any other bulletin board, but virtual. These will help you categorise your pins. Boards can be presented in many ways.
Make sure each board has a clear, distinct, and a specific name. Next, add a description to your board. Make sure that you use keywords as naturally as possible. Lastly, assign a category to your board and save it.
For starters, pin every listed item in your shop on relevant boards. Apart from that, you can create diversity on your boards by pinning other pins as well.
Pro Tip: It’s better to have a large number of boards with fewer pins than to have few boards with a large number of pins.
You can also divide pinboards into sections if you have a wide variety of products.
For example, if you sell decoratives, you can create a board named decor and then divide it into sections like Modern Vintage, Wedding Inspiration, Retro, or whatever you sell. Each of your sections will create more relevance.
Now that we have covered how to connect Etsy to Pinterest and how to promote Etsy products on the platform, lets discuss some tips that’ll get you going.
Tips for Beginners to Promote Etsy Shop on Pinterest
Here are some tips that’ll come handy once you start creating pins to promote your Etsy shop
- Urge your customers to send their pictures with your products. You can use them on Pinterest. Select the most natural and alluring pictures
- Pins like these appeal to the audience. Seeing your product on someone gives them an idea of it in use.
- Using your customer’s pictures doesn’t mean that you can’t use yours. Spend time on the photography of your products or hire a professional photographer to do the job. The core is to get the best and catchy shots.
- If possible, try to tell a story through your pins. Storytelling pins are easy to relate to and capture people’s imagination.
- Pin regularly. You need to be present in the mind of your audience, and pinning periodically is the key. Make sure to at least pin twice a day. However, don’t overdo with pinning. It may backfire, and your followers may spam you.
- Use catchy captions for your pins and always keep your keyword game on point. Observe other pinners who pin similar posts to you and take notes of the keywords they are using as the tags and captions.
- Do not forget to use a link, name of your shop, an icon or anything that you can use for branding your pins. This will protect it from being stolen or copied.
- Re-pin others’ posts. Follow popular pinners and re-pin their most popular pins. This will also sustain relevant traffic for you.
Here’s an infographic for you to remember all the above-mentioned tips:
Claim your Etsy shop on Pinterest – How to connect Etsy to Pinterest
By claiming your Etsy shop on Pinterest, you can expand your reach of target customers and also gain momentum of reference traffic to your store. After creating your account, go to Pinterest setting and click on Claim in the dropdown. Follow the instructions afterwards. You can explore this community link to get an idea from live sellers on how to connect Etsy to Pinterest.
Other than Etsy shop, you can also claim your Instagram Store as well as the YouTube handle of the shop with Pinterest.
Etsy on Pinterest
Etsy has an official account on Pinterest as well. They feature sellers through their pins regularly.
The shops which are promoted directly by Etsy have a significant chance of driving organic traffic that can lead to the sale of their products.
There are a total of 45 pinboards on which Etsy updates pins regularly. Some of these boards are further divided into sections
These are created so that the users can directly view what they want, instead of searching for it endlessly and getting frustrated. Etsy knows that a significant percentage of buyers do visit Pinterest before making any purchase.
Directing them to what they are searching for, is a way how Etsy itself promotes the sellers.
If you are thinking, why does Etsy need to do this? The answer is, that it benefits Etsy big time, the more sale is made through Etsy’s platform, the more it earns; also Etsy can attract more craft and vintage sellers on its platform through Pinterest.
What Makes Etsy Promote Your Shop On Pinterest?
Etsy pinning your stuff means fat chances for you to get noticed broadly. To make Etsy pin your things on their board, you will have to take notes of the critical points.
Etsy has 45 pinboards, and some of those pinboards are divided into sections, as well as mentioned above. Check out all these boards and the sections they are divided into. This will help you to make notes that your items can be included in which board or its section.
If your item is categorisable in any particular section, observe the keywords used for the pinned item’s name and description.
You can use a similar frame of description and pin name. This will increase the probability of your items being pinned by Etsy itself.
Etsy also re-pins other’s pins. Follow those pinners and take ideas from their pins. It will help you surface up more. Having your own Pinterest account is a plus point, as Etsy can directly repin your pins instead of picking them up from the site.
The pictures that are pinned or repinned by Etsy are mostly natural and don’t give off any marketing or promotional vibe.
You should try to shoot these kinds of pictures if you want your stuff to be pinned or re-pinned by Etsy. Following these steps can increase the probability of your items being pinned or re-pinned by Etsy.
Now let’s discuss the last topic for our blog. Consider this a bonus section for you to rise as a successful Etsy seller who can effectively ultilise the Pinterest platform.
Expert Selling Tips on How To How to Use Pinterest for Etsy
Pinterest is not just a podium for traffic generation; it is pertinent for Etsy marketing as well. You must not underestimate Pinterest. With apt tactics, you can use it for wide-range marketing.
- Add a price tag on your pins. It will automatically include your pins in the gift section, increasing the chances of you getting searched more often. Adding price also gives you the option to link your shop directly to the pin.
- Offer something unique and exclusive. People are always on the lookout for exclusive things. If you sell jewelry and you have unique designs, you must pin them. Offering exclusive pins will attract the audience and shoot up your shop’s popularity.
- If you sell furniture then Pinterest recently launched AR try on home decor for an easy online shopping experience. Use this to your advantage.
- Build a Pinterest community around your Etsy shop and engage with the users. Urge your customers to re-pin your posts and also to post their pins and tag your shop or link it.
- Improve your SEO by generating backlinks, if you blog and vlog about your stuff and are also on other social media platforms, link your pins there. They will create backlinks for your pins and upsurge the audience percentage.
- Opt for promoted pins by Pinterest. Once you are in the game and growing, you can promote your pins as well. For this, you will be paying an amount to make your pins reach more eyeballs. Pinterest has reported that- Websites see a 100% increase in traffic within a week of their first promoted pin campaign.
This wraps up our tips on How to promote Etsy shop on Pinterest.
You can make a chunky earning just by selling on Etsy. But if you plan to make the most of your selling, you’ll have to utilize all the promotion platforms that can benefit your business. And speaking of platforms to promote Etsy products, Pinterest is the best you can have.
Feel free to comment if you wish to discuss more about how to promote Etsy products on Pinterest.
If you are a newbie and want to spawn your shop on Etsy, we can help you out. Check Us Out
Disclaimer– Etsy is a trademark of Etsy, Inc. This content is not created or endorsed by Etsy, Inc.
Kate Raymond
If I get sales through Pinterest on my Etsy site, does Etsy take a 15% commission from my sale through Pinterest? Thanks. Kate
Anushika Litoria
Hey Kate.
First of all, thank you for reaching out to us.
The answer to your question is, Yes.
Not exactly 15% but when you make a sale through Pinterest for your Etsy store, you will be charged a transaction fee of 6.5% of the price you display for each listings by Etsy, plus the amount you charge for shipping and for the gift wrapping of the products as well.
I hope this answer helps you, and in case of any further questions, contact us.
We would be happy to help you.
Thanks & Regards
Tasha Wolde
I am still very confused and getting a lot of mixed information on how to connect your Etsy account to Pinterest. I do not have the options in my settings to claim my account as you described. I've read many forums and I'm finding information that this option was removed a while ago by Pinterest, but I'm still seeing a lot of blogs saying that you can so it's been frustrating, to say the least. I was finally able to connect my Pinterest account in Etsy. You can connect your Pinterest account to Etsy's social media tool to share right from your Shop Manager. I found that info from this article in the seller-handbook:
I'm not trying to be a Karen just hoping to be helpful to the next person who has this question as I went down a pretty deep rabbit hole on this. 🙂
Amir ahmed
Hi Tasha,
Thanks for sharing such a helpful insight.
Have a nice day!