What are the product Image and Video guidelines on Newegg.com
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The images and videos convey the aspect of products information in a way the text can’t; ever. Moreover, the images appear in Search Results and product pages on Newegg.com whereas, the video appears only in the product page.
It is too obvious to state that high quality images and videos drive customers’ decision process whereas the opposite detracts the users from your products. Thus, it becomes highly advisable to adhere to all the Product Image and Video guidelines of Newegg.com and they’re as follows:
Image requirements:
- The first and foremost thing is that the images should be authentic and original. There is no room for plagiarism in this regard. The sellers need to take the ownership of the images they upload i.e. adhere to copyright law.
- Every image should be 640*480 pixels (width and height) and should be maximum 10 MB in size.
- The image should not include any seller specific information, watermark, logo or any other form. Furthermore, images should be clear, border-less and any extra text free.

It violates the policy as text on this image is both unnecessary and inappropriate. The seller’s information or shipping information must not be part of an image. Image Source: Newegg.com (Product Image and Video guidelines on Newegg.com)
- Image section can’t be left blank or fillers like “Image coming soon” can’t be used. The image should be of original product.
- Newegg.com highly discourages sellers to upload identical or duplicate product images.
- Images should have clear background, usually white works the best.
- Also, it is advised you to check that images doesn’t contradict themselves as the information provided is different to what is actually portrayed through the image. For example, an item with title showing different color of an item to what actually is shown in the image.

This is a violation of the policy as it’s the wrong image for the SKU. The SKU is for a charcoal filter
- If the image consist of a real person or some body part or has some model posing for it, they must be completely legal.
- The collage of images can’t be used, However, if collage shows variant product information i.e. different colors and videos it’s alright.

This is a violation of the policy because the two images do not show variance. Image Source: Newegg.com

When the purpose is to show variance by color or size/dimensions, more than one screenshot can be appropriate.Image Source: Newegg.com
Primary Image Requirement:
- Choose the primary image wisely as it is the first impression of any SKU on its potential buyers. Also, it appears on the search result pages. In many cases, customers can only see the primary images even when the other images are available.
- Images that consist of a real person or some body part or has some model posing for it, can’t be used as primary images.
- Don’t use collage of images as the primary image.
Image Recommendations:
- Include the image of the accessories with the image if and only if they’re necessary for your users to see or, simply avoid the practice.

Since the kit contains a camera, lens, memory card, a carrying bag, and other accessories. This helps the customer visualize all that is included in the package. Image Source: Newegg.com (product Image and Video guidelines on Newegg.com)

It violation of the policy as although the lens cloth comes with camera but probably is not important enough that customers see an image of this. Image Source: Newegg.com
- Use label to identify the main features of the products

The text adhere to policies as it helps the customer visualize the devices this battery can charge and where the output ports are located. Image Source: Newegg.com (Product Image and Video guidelines on Newegg.com)
- It is advisable to use images that use scale i.e. which makes the measurement of the items clearly visible to their users.
- Try including a sizing chart for the items unconventional for their sizes.

The image helps customers visualize the size/dimensions of the SKU. Thus a good practice.Image Source: Newegg.com
Video Guidelines:
- First and foremost, video should be objective, it should not be a mere lifestyle promotion, rather it should be substantive and informative.
- The minimum resolution of the videos should be 1280*740
- The video format compatible are mp4, avi, wmv and flv. URLs of videos are not accepted at Newegg as it uses videos for their hosting purposes.
- The video must not simply show different angles and views of the product. See the video and understand how it violates the policy.
- Also, Videos must adhere to the offensive policy guidelines of the Newegg.com
- Videos must not include any seller information
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