Catch Marketplace – Complete Guide to Optimize Listing for High Visibility
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Catch marketplace listing optimization is not a new concept but still holds the key to be a successful seller. A well-optimized store has a comparatively high chance to get products displayed at the top in marketplace search results for numerous search terms.
As a result, your products will be first to be visible to the customers. Therefore, you have the opportunity to grab customer attention before competitors. You can leverage this opportunity to the maximum.
Moreover, it will also help in boosting brand awareness and increasing customer loyalty. Let’s learn how to optimize listings on the Catch marketplace.
Did You Know,
During the pandemic, a whopping 2.5 million new Australians tried online shopping. It sounds like a good figure for selling on Catch, and every ambitious catch seller should leave no stone unturned to benefit from it.
Catch Marketplace Product Title Optimization
Optimized product titles convey the right message as soon as a customer arrives in the store and improves ranking on the Catch marketplace for the right keywords. The below optimization points for the title will ensure it is rightly optimized.
- Keep the title within the 155 characters limit.
- No use of Jargons and check for spelling errors
- Duplicate words should not be part of the title.
- Mention the mandatory keywords only and avoid misleading ones. Mandatory keywords are those that clearly specify product purpose.
- Except for the first letters in the word, avoid capitalization for the rest. CAPS often delivers a negative impact.
- Brand, gender, model name, keyword, and color are details that can’t be skipped.
- It must include Brand, Model, Manufacturer, Model Number, Product Name, and other relevant information (Color/Material). Seeing these details, customers will be sure about finding the right product.
TIP: Ask yourself the question: If I were reading this product, would I know what it is immediately?
Example of an Ideal Product Title
Img credit: catch.com.au
Product Description Optimization
Every customer goes through product descriptions to ensure he is getting item as expected or not. You can use it to influence customer purchase by stating features as benefits. Leverage it as an opportunity to depict how it can solve the problem.
As soon as a customer learns about product usability in fixing his biggest concern, it brings them peace of mind. Expressing products through storytelling style has been most successful in convincing a customer.
The best practices for product description optimization on Catch marketplace are
- Accommodate product description within 2000 characters.
- The purpose of the product is to be mentioned at the beginning.
- In the midsection, express product features in the form of concise bullet points.
- Keep details about what the customer will find inside the package in the last part of the description.
- Product specifications include
- Size
- Color
- Material
- Other products details
- Place a call to action button. It will boost the rate of conversion
- The content tone and its phrase must be relevant to your target audience.
- If you still receive a lot of queries about the product. Simply add them to the description.
- Another highly recommended thing is to use HTML (only bold & lists tags) to increase text readability.
It would be best if you also avoided the below to keep the description as appealing as possible.
- Return policy
- Links
- Shipping details
- Pics or Vids
- Price
- Contact details
- Warranty information
- Variant information
- Extra details about the product
Try to educate customers as much as possible by including updated details about the product that covers the What, Why, and Who-related to the product.
Adhering to Product Listing Optimization Best Practices Means Customers Need not Put Extra Efforts to Find Your Products.
Product Specifications
- Include weight, material, color, and dimension of the product
- Compatibility details if applicable
- Technical details (features and capabilities)
- Regulatory information like Certifications, Regulatory Ratings, Professional Installation Required, Age Classification/Requirements, etc
- Package size for heavy items
- User guide (age criterion, installation details, product assembly details)
Acceptable Tags
- <p>(paragraph)
- <li>(dot points)
- <strong>(bold text)
- <br> (paragraph break)
Unacceptable HTML Tags
- <embed><iref><href> (URL)
- <img> (Images)
- <table><tr> (Tables)
Increasing Product Visibility With Attributes Mapping
- SEO plays a crucial role in ensuring the products appearing at the top of search results are relevant to shoppers’ search terms on the Catch marketplace.
- Attributes are those traits of products that differentiate them from other products and help filter them out. It refers to the size, color, quantity, weight, dimension, design, smell, and more. You should add accurate attributes and update them upon updating product page data.
- Customers prefer to use attributes to sort the required product as it saves their time. If your products are missing crucial attributes, product visibility will decrease, and eventually, you will miss sales opportunities.
- Add all relevant attributes and let customers find you within seconds in an effortless manner. Otherwise, despite being a 5-star product, it might not appear in search results. Hence, the customers won’t find it.
Image credit: catch.com.au
Suppose a customer is on the lookout for hiking shoes, and this attribute is missing in your products. Hence, it will not be visible in search results filtered based on hiking shoes.
You might be thinking if the product is only searched and filters are not applied. In that case, due to lack of attributes, the position of products on search results of Catch marketplace will plunge deep somewhere at the bottom of the page. And customers never scroll that much to find a product.
How to Add Attributes?
- Download the product template. It will include relevant information on product categories types and optional attributes.
- Now input data for maximum possible attributes. Hence, it will ensure your product doesn’t get filtered out in search results done upon applying filters.
Appropriate Keywords Are Not An Option But An Opportunity
The game of gaining visibility for products revolves around the magic called keyword. The Right keywords placed at the right place in the right context will always bring the interested buyers. Here’s how the keyword optimization works.
Figure out the most relevant keywords and place them naturally on your product page. Resources like Google and Google Trends will help with your research, combined with your expert knowledge of your product and what is searched for.
The maximum limit for keywords is 100.
Avoid using irrelevant keywords that may convey wrong information. Moreover, it gives the false impression that the customer has landed in the wrong place.
Stuffing too many keywords in the title is spamming. This is a bad SEO practice and will potentially lower the ranking of your product.
Terms like “technology,” pet care,” 100% vegan” is too broad to relate to a particular product. It is better to refrain from them.
Using the character “|” for separating keywords is considered among the best practices to enhance readability. Use it only in between the keywords. Avoid usage of any other type of separator.
- For single keyword, space is allowed within double quotes “Nord2 5G”
- For example, 5G | RAM 8GB | STORAGE 128GB | 64MP | 4500 mAh
Image Optimization Holds The Key
Images must be alluring enough to grab customer attention. Moreover, it must be able to convey product purpose. As a result, customers will know about the product at the very first look. After all, using images keeps them hooked for a long time.
Hence, shoppers are more likely to get impressed by product images. Use high-definition images in a slideshow format that can be viewed on full screen.
Img credit: gleam.io
Here is a list of tips to optimize your images for catch marketplace
- Use clean white/plain backgrounds for AT LEAST the first image.
- Using images of products shot on multiple angles.
- Add professional lifestyle images where possible.
- Only use text/graphics if it helps support the image (showing measurements, dimensions). Text which should be in the description of the product should not be in the image.
- Try and avoid watermarks, logos, badges, stamps – these decrease the likelihood of your products appearing in Google Shopping
- Avoid irrelevant photos that don’t show the product.
- Avoid including commercial info such as pricing, seller info, postage on the image.
Image Specification Best Practices
- Recommended: 1000 x 1000px
- Maximum Width: 1320px
- Maximum Height:1080px
- Resolution: 72dpi
Also, never miss on providing a size chart. Size charts help customers be confident that the product will be perfect. Hence, they will not leave the purchase to the last moment because the product is too big or too small.
Size Chart Optimization Matters a Lot in Catch Marketplace
Catch has made it mandatory to add a proper size chart for all items that require it. This is in place to ensure the customer is informed, product conversion is high, and cart abandonment is low.
Adding a size chart will help in gaining an otherwise missed sales opportunity. Moreover, these are necessary for products belonging to the below categories
- Apparel
- Footwear
- Fashion
The guidelines for the size chart are
- Image format to be .jpg format
- Visible without the need to zoom
- Specify the gender
- Customer can easily convert to Australian size
Leverage The ‘Don’t Pay’ Pricing Strategy for Catch Marketplace
The ‘Don’t Pay‘ pricing technique is a blessing for sellers. You mention the Original RRP (Don’t Pay) and add your Now price (discount price). Customers will notice the difference between prices as their amount of savings.
Moreover, it assures customers that they are buying at a low price and are lucky to find such an awesome deal. It is one of the best practices to grab customer attention and convey that your store price is lower.
As soon as this message spreads among shoppers means they will directly land on your store in a hurry with a hope to explore the best deals. And your products are likely to witness an increase in views in a short time.
It will give you a competitive edge over the rest.
How to enable was and is pricing
- You have to add the Recommended Retail Price as ‘was’ price.
- Ensure that Recommended Retail Price field data is correct as part of the offer feed
Free Delivery (Customers Always Want It)
Free delivery is an incredibly important sales strategy.
Customers are always on the lookout for free delivery options every time they are in the mood to shop. Enabling free delivery will fetch you more visitors to your products. Therefore, overall product visibility will take a leap.
Free shipping will also lower your abandoned cart rate – no seller likes to find out they are paying high shipping fees when the come to check-out.
You will be delighted to know the Catch marketplace algorithm rewards sellers offering free delivery.
How to configure free delivery
Discuss Your Growth Prospect With Experts
All Things Considered – Best Products and Best Practices Bring Better Results
The idea is to increase customers’ curiosity as a result of high product visibility. Hence, ranking high in search results confirms they will prefer to explore your products over your competitors. As a result, you can easily convince and convert them towards product purchases.
Moreover, these practices also enable an impeccable shopping experience. A critical factor that will spark trust and you enjoy customer loyalty in the form of repeat purchases.
Adhering to the above techniques for selling on Catch will ease your selling journey. As a result, it will be evident as a new influx of customers who boost the sales figures by a significant margin.
Happy Selling on Catch!!