Livestream Call to boost engagement level
Amp Up Engagement and Enthusiasm During 12.12 Sale with Livestream Call

Amp Up Engagement and Enthusiasm During 12.12 Sale with Livestream Call


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12 12 sale is another ample opportunity to grow brand visibility. Shopee recently announced the new ‘’Livestream Call’ feature on Shopee Live. This announcement ahead of the Shopee 12.12 sale is intended to ensure sellers can engage audiences at a deep level.

This feature allows shoppers to connect and interact with merchants via audio and video call. It is indeed a great way to initiate conversations that will incorporate the elements of trust and transparency.

livestreaming on rise

Another advantage of the feature is sellers can answer more queries in less time.

This can be considered as Shopee’s knack for innovation to assist merchants (specifically local MSMEs) better equip for change in customers’ shopping habits.

No doubt shoppers will arrive in huge volume to get most out of the Shopee 12 12 sale. After all, it’s the year’s last big sale.

In a matter of 24 minutes an unbelievable 12 million products were sold during the Shopee 12 12 sale last year. Now, that is 500,000 items in a minute.

But, Shopee is planning to take these figures further with innovative features like livestream call and more seller-friendly features that will be announced in the future .

Why Focus on Malaysian Shoppers During Shopee 12 12 Sale

Targeting Malaysian shoppers should be a top priority for merchants. Customers from Selangor region are the most shopaholic guys.

They have bought 870, 000 products during 12 12 Sale 2020 in just the first hour of the sale. A Malaysian buyer went on to place as many as 180 orders.

Shopping Pattern of Malaysian Shoppers (Post Pandemic)

Insights that Define Emerging Buying Persona Of Malaysians

  • Online grocery shopping witnessed a sharp surge during the pandemic in Malaysia. They found it convenient and the trend will continue during the upcoming festive season.
  • They love to shop via smartphones. This saves their time.
  • Malaysians preference for foreign goods is another significant trait of their shopping behavior.

malaysian customer shopping pattern

  • Social media has a great influence on their lives and choice. Specifically infographics and videos over social media triggers them to decide what to purchase and from which marketplace.

high demand product categories during 12 12 sale

  • A recent survey by Bain & Co, suggests customers are anxious about deals before buying items from the electronics, clothing and cosmetics category.

Hence, during 12 12 sale merchants who offer hard to resist discounts on these items and willing to ship orders to Malaysia are highly likely to witness high ROI.

High Demand Products During 12 12 Sale

Following is the list of items that are expected to be in high demand considering the stats of recently passed Singles’ day sale and customers’ evolving sentiments in Southeast Asia.

popular products during 12 12 sale

  • Consumer Electronics – Popularity can be attributed to the rise in income of the middle class in the region. Western brands are their preferred options
  • Fashion and Beauty Items – Comfort and looks are the top concerns for customers. It has been that way for many years.
  • Mom and Baby Products – The convenience of shopping without having to move has convinced mothers to shop online for their children and themselves.
  • Smartphones, luxury items, and pet-related goods. These were the most sold items on during Singles day. Customers will go after these if they get another chance.
  • Malt drink and school items might seem unusual to this list but have been two top selling items from last year’s 12 12 sale. Listing them might give you an edge over competitors who might not be bothered by these.
  • Hijab and face mist were sold in surprisingly huge numbers during the first hour of the Shopee 11.11 Big Sale campaign.
  • Home decoration stuff will again gain momentum considering the Christmas celebrations next month.

Why Live streaming Has To Be Embraced by Online Merchants

Pandemic induced lockdowns have propelled growth of live streaming for online shopping in the region.

The new trend has caught buyers attention for enabling enhanced interactions with sellers, more information about products without need to search over the internet, and getting queries answered instantly.

6 in 10 customers have confirmed in a recent survey about getting in-depth product explanations in a matter of minutes as an exclusive advantage of live streaming over only pics and text about the products.

The Right Flow of Live Streaming

  • State the problem statement in relatable manner
  • Promise you can solve it and have the knowledge to do the same
  • Show what will be the result and change it will bring
  • Explain why the problem has to be fixed now else it will not be beneficial

Most Sold Products via Livestream and Best Practices to Get Them Seen and Sold

  • Apparel
  • Cosmetics
  • Food
  • Daily Supplies
  • Household decorations
  • Consumer electronics

Live streaming sessions will ensure more shoppers get hooked to explore the ins and outs of above items. Next thing to know is how to make it engaging that influences customers to eventually buy it.

  • Try as many variants as possible to capture attention from a large pool of audience Also, not letting a bunch of viewers feel left out is very important.
  • Highlight product features and your experience with it. Even better would be to use it during the session.
  • Invite a popular influencer who can relate with products. A tech influencer to promote electronic gadgets
  • Add a few complimentary tips that help in elevating overall experience with that product.
  • Dedicate some minutes for answering the queries and forget not to appreciate the audience for good queries or helpful comments.
  • Start with the best live streaming platforms like Amazon Live, Youtube Live, and Facebook Live. It will extend your reach to millions of potential customers.

Adhering to these tactics will build up the hype and excitement required for high ROI.

Best Practices to Convince Customers via Live Streaming

Live Streaming is a level up from old school methods of selling using product image and description. Shoppers have found it monotonous and will have no qualms to switch it with live streaming.

No wonder very soon live streaming will be the major decisive factor for online shopping. As its market size will grow to astonishingly high $223.98 billion in size by 2028.

Hence, It won’t be wrong to call it live selling.

Make Your Livestream Session Best From The Rest

  • Video quality is most important factor to keep audience hooked till the last second.
  • Include a call to action button that ignites a sense of urgency or FOMO. It will push buyers to complete the purchase as soon as possible.
  • Respond to all comments to avoid anyone feeling left out during the livestream.
  • Communicate in a non-salesy tone that gives the feeling of a friend suggesting the product.
  • Including subtitles in several regional language will fix the gap of language.

livestreaming stars are popular

Image credit: campaignasia

Lessons from Most Loved (and Successful) Live-streamers

Here are a few useful insights from famous Taobao streamer Viya (Queen of live streaming) and Austin Li (China’s Lipstick King). Their live streaming sessions fetched them $3.1 billion. An insanely huge amount to go unnoticed.

Adopting the best ways as implemented by live streaming stars will turn sessions into an impressive experience. You are going to make customers feel their presence and thoughts are being acknowledged.

Hence, a great way to make them feel an integral part of your brand. As a result, customers will reward you with high ROI and brand loyalty.

Amplify Your Livestream Engagement To Next Level

  • Introduce a new problem that customers aren’t aware and explain how product will be a problem solver
  • Choose the right audience for the right products. All products aren’t meant for all.
  • Test the products rigorously to ensure you promote nothing but genuine.
  • It is wise not to guarantee particular results upon using the product. Promising what depends upon multitude of factors is a risk worth not taking.
  • Leverage the popularity of celebrities (preferably one followed by target audience). Their fans trust them. Celebrities can help shoppers generate the same amount of trust in your brand.

Conclusion – High Engagement Happens When Story Behind Your Products is Revealed

Live streaming will enable shoppers with a touchpoint for better engagement. Hence, sales will be high enough to attain the next level of success.

Moreover, ignoring the magic of live streaming will only broaden the gap between sellers from shoppers. After all, stats suggest 45 percent of buyers find live streaming fascinating and are in the mood to make a purchase while attending these sessions.

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