The CedCommerce Temu Integration is now live for US sellers! Check out the app

Ajaxify Filters
"Ajaxify Filters" provides you widgets that lets you filter your products without page load.

Fruugo Integration For WooCommerce
Fruugo Integration For WooCommerce helps you to integrate your Woocommerce store with Fruugo. This extension accomplishes this feat with features like...

Hide Price Until Login
Hides the Price and Add To Cart button for all the products until the correct password is entered.

OnBuy Integration For WooCommerce
OnBuy Integration For WooCommerce makes your operations more efficient by automating the order transactions between your WooCommerce store and OnBuy.

One Click Order Re-Order
Places the WooCommerce's orders again on one click, with no restrictions of order status.

Ordered Product Identifier
Allow merchants to add unique serial numbers to the ordered products.

Product Auto Share
Allows auto sharing of product links on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Linkedin.

Recently viewed and most viewed products
Allow Merchants to display recently viewed and most viewed products on the product detail page as well throughout the site.

Similar Products
Similar Products is a WooCommerce extension, to add similar products for each product like Upsell and Cross Sell Products.

Update Order Untill HOLD
Allow user to update Product, Quantity etc of his order having status ON-HOLD

Wholesale Market For WooCommerce
Empowers your shop with the capability to create wholesale-users and give special privilege to them by setting product's wholesale-price for them.