Export Your Posts to PDF using WP Advanced PDF
Running short of time? Get PDF of the blog in your mail.

This blog is to make you aware of a new plugin released by CedCommerce named WP Advanced PDF.
As you know that Blog may change or even disappear with time. And if you would like to preserve a blog forever, you should either need to download that blog to your computer (and put it on Dropbox) or you could use a web archiving service using which you can store a copy of that page on your server. WP Advanced PDF plugin by CedCommerce provides solution for this problem. It gives a PDF extract link into your blog and you blog reader can easily extract the blog on one click only. In this way it saves a lot of time of your blog readers. Thus the Plugin will allow you to extract entire blog into PDF for offline usage. The Plugin allows guest users to get blog PDF to their registered email-Id.
How to use WP Advanced PDF
Using this plugin users can create PDF in two ways. If a Guest user click on export PDF link a popup window is appeared and he have to enter an email address to which the extracted PDF will be sent. Registered users can extract and download PDF on login. So if you are a guest user and you want to download blog as PDF, register yourself as a user and once you logged-in, you can download PDF directly.
The plugin allow to select to restrict access to logged in users to extract and download the PDF or can restrict guest users to send the post to their registered Email ID.
This plugin allows to restrict PDF extract access to selected post types. The plugin includes a wide verities of formatting options
You can set logo to PDF page header,
Can set footer to PDF pages,
Can set custom bullet style,
Can add watermark text and images to PDF,
Can customize fonts of header, footer and content,
Can easily change margin and alignment of your PDF pages,
Can select to display featured Images,
Can add custom style CSS to your post contents ,
Can set default blog title to PDF,
Can set file name for PDF either Post Id or Post-slug,
Can choose to generate PDF from cache in order to reduce load on your server, and can schedule backup update to cache in case if you are not going to update your blog too frequently.
The plugin also allow you to select PDF export link to appear in post edit screen to extract single post as well as bulk of posts into single PDF.
This plugin is localized for languages and fully responsive.
One more advantage of using this plugin as a tool for PDF export is you can estimate which of your blog is getting more attention of users.
So If use want to use a tool to allow your blog readers to extract PDF very easily, WP Advanced PDF by CedCommerce is a right solution for you. This is all about WP Advanced PDF. If you have any suggestions or comments then please share with us.
Click here to own WP Advanced PDF.
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Have a look at other WordPress plugins by CedCommerce.
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