Vendor Online Auction: A CedCommerce Magento Multi Vendor Marketplace Addon
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Do you really want that people place the reasonable bids for your products even online? If yes, your search ends here, you are at the right place.
You must have heard about the auction process and you must be aware of the process that how the auction is carried out. Likewise, it is done online too.
Vendor Online Auction Addon for Magento store enables the vendor to set the products for auction.It enables the vendor to decide the starting bidding price. An automated e-mail will be sent to the vendors when admin approves their products for auction.
With vendor online auction addon, The vendor can add the products in the marketplace for auction.The Vendor can set the start and end time of the auction. Guest customers will not be allowed to bid.
How is a winner decided?
As the customer bids for the products, those bids will be approved by the vendor. As the auction time got over, the last approved bid of the customer will win the auction.
Meanwhile, if vendor feels that the most of the placed bids are the hoax, the vendor can cancel the auction instantly.
As the winner is decided, only he/she will be notified for the auction conclusion.
How does it look at Customer End or Front-end?
- The products on auction will be displayed in the separate category named as the auction.
Vendor online auction
- The last bid for that product will be displayed on the product information. A note will be displayed that the next bid must be greater than the last bid.
Vendor online auction
- The last bid price will be displayed.
Vendor online auction
- All customers who have placed the bid so far will get the email for each new bid placed for the relative product, offering them the opportunity to update their bid.
Functionalities of Vendor Online Auction Add-on for Magento store:
- Admin approves the products of vendors for auction
- Only approved bids of the customer will be qualified to win the auction.
- Vendor can extend the auction period
- Only approved vendor can add the products for auction
- Enables the registered Customers to place the bid
- Auction winner will be informed through e-mail
Nothing will teach you more about perceived value than taking something with literally no value and selling it in the auction format. It teaches you the beauty and power of presentation, and how you can make magic out of nothing.
Features Of Vendor Online Auction Addon:
Only Admin can set the increment bidding price
Vendor online auction
Vendor has the option to set the start date and end date of auction
Vendor online auction
Vendor can see the list of the customers who have bid for his product so far
Vendor online auction
Vendor can approve or disapprove the customer bid
Vendor online auction
On the whole, Vendor online auction addon will let the vendor auction his products online. The auction information will be sent through email to the auctioneer as well as the customer who have placed the bid.
To know about this extension kindly visit the link below
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