Multiply sales with Shoppable YouTube Video ads!
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We all have observed the power of videos and how can videos help you to a great extent! But now, the new competency of using YouTube Video ads has been unleashed by Google!
Let’s take a nosedive into it.
We all have seen advertisements on YouTube while watching the videos of our interest. Those ads were informatory. It means people can see the ads and get to know about it and then if they want they can click the redirection link in the video ad itself or also they can Google search about it.
Welcome to Google shoppable YouTube video ads!
Now, Google has introduced a new direct response tool on this ad type! It means there will be a clickable button present on the ad screen on the video content as “SHOP NOW”. From there you can buy products at the real-time from the video advertisement itself. It will automatically bring the products catalogue, and you can shop directly without being redirected anywhere and switching off from YouTube to any other platform!
Now this will be a new revolution!
You can increase your brand awareness and gain some potential customers for your brand and YouTube channel. They will enhance your display network!
The testing of this YouTube video ad format has been done by ‘Aerie’, a premium innerwear brand of America. The results of the testing were fabulous. The Sales conversion generated was more than nine times better than the previous video ads.
And, the ROI of the expenditure on these ads was more than 25 per cent than that of the previous year. This is truly amazing!
This YouTube Video Ad Format will speak for you!
The streaming videos platform has grown significantly. It is increasing, increasing a lot! According to the recent survey, the growth in YouTube Ad sales in the 1st quarter of 2020 increases by 33 per cent. Now, making YouTube Ad, an industry of $4 billion! Whereas the revenue of Google search is 8.7 per cent marking $24.5 billion.
Therefore, the YouTube Ad growth rate is eventually on much higher notes!
Now, when this YouTube video ad format comes into play, then this will surely be the best practice for YouTube Ad in 2020 and ahead!
Google is now displaying this YouTube Ad format on (IAB) Interactive Advertising Bureau’s hosted NewFronts sales presentations.
How to place this on your ad and the benefits you get!
You must be eager to start this video ad format for your business’s YouTube Video ad. Therefore here is the process on how you can set up a shoppable YouTube video ad format and the benefits you achieve through this!
First, let’s get into the benefits:-
Benefits of using shoppable YouTube video ad
Previously, we have seen the results of these ads and how they help us in building our brand visibility and improving the business in generating more sales and leads.
Now when this feature of “Shop Now” will add to the ad then this will surely pump the scale of generating more and more sales and leads for the business and will take your business to a new boom amid these situations which COVID-19 has created.
The shoppable YouTube Video Ad cost has not been declared yet but is assumed that it will be the same as before or there might be a little difference in the price.
There are many benefits of using the YouTube video ad, but when the shoppable YouTube video Ad starts sharing the YouTube video stream, they will enhance the benefits. Let’s have a look into it-
- Your customers wouldn’t redirect anywhere! {which customers want.}
- Grab the massive reach of the platform YouTube has built for the business.
- Set a perfect funnel by using the shoppable YouTube video ad format. It will help you in classifying the audience on the basis of
- Keywords
- Demographics
- Category
- Placements
in a far better way
- YouTube has more time spent on the platform than other social media handles so you can be displayed much more.
- You can measure your success and ROI easily. You will be able to know even minute understandings of your YouTube Video ad
- More abilities which are offered are
- Durability
- Affordability
- Share-ability
- Adjustability
The benefits of advertising with shoppable YouTube video ads outweigh any risks and bring your business to life.
Amazed by the benefits! Here is the way you can start with Shoppable ads:-
Set up the process:-
You don’t have to adapt to a lot of new procedures for this to start your shoppable advertisement.
If you are already running a YouTube Video ad campaign, then you need to synchronise your advertisement with your Google merchant centre’s feed. The phenomenon directly picks your feed from your store to display it to your target audience.
Yes, it’s so simple as said!
For those who are not having any YouTube video ad campaign, they can start it from today.
Build your marketing video and start the campaign on YouTube. Do align your campaign goals beforehand. Also, add this amazing feature to your ad and enjoy the leads and sales extracted like never before.
Start your YouTube video ad campaign!
To convert viewers into shoppers, YouTube is introducing (DR) Direct Response.
This feature will help the merchants as it brings more flexibility to the platform. The technology is upgrading day-by-day. It’s your turn now!
Start your YouTube Video Ad campaign now to unleash the benefits and make your business a shining star among the era of so much competition in the market.
Uplift your growth potential.
Let’s get started today!