Discogs WooCommerce
Maximize your online sales with the new Discogs WooCommerce integration

Maximize your online sales with the new Discogs WooCommerce integration


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Are you a music enthusiast trying to sell your vinyl records, CDs or cassettes online? With millions of artists and an extensive catalog of releases in multiple genres, Discogs is a vast marketplace for buyers and sellers alike.

However, selling on Discogs can be tedious if you don’t have the right tools to manage your product listings, orders, and inventory. But, with Discogs WooCommerce integration plugin, all your hassles can be sorted. This tool allows seamless online selling while managing listings and orders across multiple channels and syncing inventories in near real-time.

Want to understand how you can make most of the Discogs marketplace using your WooCommerce store? Find all your answers right here in this blog!

What is Discogs marketplace?

Discogs is a renowned marketplace of music databases that allows users to search and buy music labels in multiple formats like- CDs, Cassettes, digital files, and more. Launched only in 2000, the Discogs marketplace has crossed over 50 million monthly visits in March 2023.

In addition, the motive to connect music enthusiasts across the globe, Discogs’ music collection and database have grown exponentially in the past few years. As an online seller, you can benefit from the growing popularity of the marketplace as well.

Let’s get into some statistics:

As per the official data from Discogs.com-

  • Discogs has over 602k community contributors.
  • Over 15 million official releases to date.
  • More than 8 million registered artists are on the platform.
  • 1.7 million labels released.
  • 17.8 million pieces of music sold in 2021.

Why go with Discogs WooCommerce integration by CedCommerce?

If you want to streamline your sales process, increase efficiency, and improve customer satisfaction, then Discogs WooCommerce Integration by CedCommerce is the perfect tool for you. It simplifies all major manual tasks by implying automation for product listing, inventory syncing, and more.

Furthermore, there are other bunch of powerful features that you can utilize to scale up your Discogs business in a quick time. Below are some of the essential features that are a must for any online business actively selling on Discogs-

Bulk product upload and import

Upload listings on the Discogs marketplace in bulk or import listings from the Discogs marketplace to your WooCommerce dashboard with just a few clicks.

Discogs WooCommerce

Advanced category mapping

Map all your WooCommerce categories with Discogs categories and set up all fields and attributes for an error-free export and import process.

Discogs WooCommerce integration

Centralized product management

Manage all your products on a centralized WooCommerce dashboard with granular data like- product images, name, status, price, and much more.

Integrate WooCommerce store with Discogs

Seamless order management

Utilize automation and bring all your Discogs orders on the WooCommerce dashboard with all the relevant details. The details include Customer Name, Discogs Order ID, Status, and more.

Sell WooCommerce products on Discogs

Easy scheduler configuration

Schedulers will help you to fetch orders, run product imports, and re-sync to fix broken images. This process takes place on a recurring time period as selected by you. 

Scheduler settings

Pricing plans for every business

At CedCommerce, we understand that businesses of all sizes have different needs and budgets. That’s why we’ve ensured that our Discogs WooCommerce integration pricing is affordable for everyone.

Whether you’re a small business just starting out or a large enterprise looking to expand your online presence, our integration can help you streamline your operations and boost your sales.

Discogs WooCommerce

The elite support from our platinum certified Woo experts will keep you ahead in the game. Also, for a sustainable growth it is necessary to get queries resolved quickly so that customers need not to suffer. 

Time to adopt a super scalable approach to flourish on Discogs using your WooCommerce store. Schedule a meeting with one of our experts today- via WhatsApp orSkype.

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