How to make marketplace mutivendor app
How To Build A Multi-vendor Marketplace App That Wins Customers!

How To Build A Multi-vendor Marketplace App That Wins Customers!


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It’s time to build your Multi-vendor marketplace app. And today you learn how we offer a great deal to your long desired vision. Magenative converts Magento’s open source code platform to a marketplace native app. MageNative app syncs operate and seamlessly integrates with Magento multi-vendor marketplace. Where free marketplace plugins for Magento limit you, MageNative offers one-time payment and lifetime access to your app. You own your store’s app with functionalities that enhance your online business.

What is Multivendor E-commerce?

Multi-vendor E-commerce brings multiple sellers to one collaborative junction to sell goods. Users visit the online catalog and make a purchase as per their ease and convenience. Multivendor models are already succeeding in their niche. To name a few big ones, these are Amazon, Alibaba, Etsy and many more.


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Multi-Vendor Apps’ Role In This Ecosystem

Multi-Vendor Apps allow sellers, admins and end consumers to come to one single platform and perform collaborative actions. The multi-vendor app allows Buyers to directly place orders (good, services, booking) from their choice of the vendor at the most reasonable pricing as per their budget and preference. The admin controls the overall functioning of the app and vendors associated with it. Vendors get to control their actions in terms of getting the order item’s journey from start to finish.

Why You Need Multi-Vendor marketplace App?

So you have a vision, that can’t be competed by single vendor support and you want to expand your business idea via m-commerce. Multi-Vendor allows you to do niche targeting on the specific product line with features that are accessible on the go! With a mobile app for iOS and Android, your customers can browse your marketplace, add products to wish lists and carts, and pay via offline payment method or online express checkouts.


Did you Know?

Benefits that a company acquires by selling through an e-commerce marketplace are so vast that they attract a bigger number of consumers that leads to bigger revenues.

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This statistic presents the most common benefits that a company gains by selling through an e-commerce marketplace according to marketing professionals in the United States as of 2018.

What type of app is offered to you?

MageNative offers you a highly customized native (iOS/Android) mobile app. A native application is specifically developed for your choice of an operating system so that they can interact with and take advantage of operating system features and other software.

How to Easily Kick Start Your MageNative Multi-vendor Marketplace App

Download Connector

The first step in building your app is to place an order for Connector extension. This connector will allow providing useful data feeds for the App.

Generate license for the connector extension on our My Purchased Extension in account section.

Install Connector

Install the connector extension on your license generated Magento shop. Save app unique key from MultiVendor App dashboard to your Magento shop.

Configure the connector to set up the banner, category and product show on the app. Set up the splash screen, the logo for the app and choose the color scheme for the app.

Build Your App

After completing step 1 and step 2 you can build the app from the app creation dashboard. After building app it can be previewed on phone devices.

If app fulfills all your requirement then you can either publish on the app stores or can ask our support team to publish the app on your behalf.

Major Features in Multi-vendor Marketplace App

Vendor App Features

-Easy vendor login/signup on vendor app

-MultiVendor can filter product listing with ease

-All vendor related orders vendor’s order listing

-Vendor can view the order detail view

-Receive new order notification on the app

-Vendor can view the transaction listing

-Vendor can view the transaction view

-Payment settings store for receiving the payment

-Vendor can create configurable product

and many more

Buyer App Features

-Customer login page can be customized

-Easy customer registration process

-Easily edit customer profile

-Category listing for the store on app

-Product listing to show lists of product can be switched to multiple views

-Address book can be used to store customer address

-Orders listing for the customers’ order on the store

-All type of offline and online payment methods supported in MultiVendor app

and more!

Why Choose MageNative Multi-vendor App?

MageNative brings you highly customized app for your business. It gives you freedom over its features and functionality. You control your app!

magento multivendor marketplace app

MageNative Multi-vendor App Also Offers

Dashboard View

You get an app dashboard that is full of useful information available. Vendors can view their total orders, earnings, products, latest orders and much more.

Products Add / Edit

Featured product listing page. It allows vendors to add any type of new product, and at any point of the time, they can edit the existing products.

Orders List / View

Vendors can view the total number of orders listed. Vendors can also process orders in one click with ease.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are important in the list of mobile app features. It allows you to constantly update your customers with your offers and new launches etc. It prompts the buyer to take action.

Reports and Settings

Orders and Products reporting on the Vendor app can be viewed on the app. And easily manage the settings for the payment methods and shipping method.

Easy Sign-Up and Social Login

You get a seamless Sign-Up process for the customer and social login facility too.

In the season of gifts, grab the best deal from CedCommerce. Take part in our Christmas Carnival and get 25% discount on all Magento marketplace solutions and extensions. Offer is valid till 30th December. Get the details of the offer

To Conclude

If you too would like to start your own multi-vendor marketplace business app. Then you have arrived at the right place. When it comes to apps Magenative combines best Magento marketplaces options for startups and big enterprises in one place.

Get expert guidance on creating your marketplace app

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Explore More:

Magento Marketplace App Here

Magento 2 Marketplace App Here 

About The Author

  1. Avatar for CedCommerce

    Really an interesting blog I have gone through. There are excellent details you posted on eCommerce mobile app.

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