Email Marketing During COVID-19: All the Stats, Facts, and Data From Around the Web
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As of now, we are seeing that many organizations are being influenced by regulations that are intended to slow the spread of the COVID-19 to safeguard the lives of the individuals. Along with this, the companies which are affected are trying to inform all the changes, abandonments, withdrawals, maintain the pace during the crisis adaptations to the needs of the consumer behavior and for afterward as well, to ensure their customer’s safety and retention of course. This opened a door for the Email Marketing, you might have noticed this during this epidemic in your mailbox as well.
Why not leave Email Marketing?
In this situation of crisis, why should you invest your time in Email Marketing?
To ensure your presence
Looking at the scenario, obviously, we cannot show our presence by attending or organizing events, posting on social media about ourselves, this is the right time to switch to emails to show your value
To keep your customers updated
Send emails to your clients and keep them updated about what is affecting you or may affect your service, there can be delays, cancellations or anything that you feel like is important should be conveyed to your customers to restrict any confusion.
Don’t let customer face any major changes in your services
By keeping them in the loop, by addressing their queries, by asking their opinions you should make negligible differences in your service as compared to normal days.
Tell them you care
Sending emails containing updates about COVID19, will one or the other way make them understand that you are there with them in any situation.
Send some “note” in the context of crisis
Send a line or two about what and how the crisis has impacted you and your business or can share any major information regarding the same.
Direct reach to your customers
From all the advertising channels accessible to you, email is the one in particular that gives you direct access to your clients. That is on the grounds that an individual’s inbox is what might be compared to their home – getting to is just conceded to individuals they trust.
Utilize the best of their time
See what is required at this moment to send to your customer for making their days easy.
Trustable mode
A reason you have to put email on the cutting edges of correspondence in the midst of an emergency is that individuals will in general trust email more than they trust other channels. Let’s be honest, internet-based life has so much data it’s hard to isolate what’s correct and whatnot.
Find what opportunities are available
See what customers require these days from your services, go and ask them if they wanted to go with that service, provide discounts, offers, to make them understand that you stand by them, see what field you are in as we can see in Pharmacy, Food, and beverages, eCommerce marketplaces or Digital Marketing sector are trying to serve their market as much they can and maybe that can be productive for your clients.
And the last but not the least digital communication is important in this pandemic
As said earlier, it’s necessary to communicate, communication is the only way one can go through any such crisis, support your client in whatever way required, think how you can help them and start doing what makes them relief.
When this question comes in your mind, there should be one more question that follows it and must stick in your mind…and i.e., What will be the best practices of sending email in this pandemic situation! Well, I have answered this as well in this article, best practices and what changes are required in this.
Trends in Email Marketing
Things About Email Marketing During Covid-19 You May Not Have Known
Well, looking at the stats we can see how things are going on in different industries, as brands are emailing these days, customers are opening and associating to these messages at higher rates than previously — an update that connections are significant even in circumstances such as these. Also If we see Email Marketing volume in most industries (aside from Travel & Hospitality) remains high.
Problem With Email Marketing During Covid-19, And How You Can Fix It
At this moment your clients are being shelled with emails about COVID-19—from their nearby grocery store, jewelry store, specialist, café and from where not, the rundown goes on. And this is what I wanted to talk about, your customers are getting irritated with all the stuff, you can even check your inboxes these days, it must be full of messages.
So, what should we do now, don’t send emails to them?
No, the answer is THINK WISE from your end, in this time of crisis send emails by making a checklist, include below points in it.
- Organization occasion updates or cancellations.
- Any information regarding the way to get to the administrations of an organization remotely.
- Updates from organizations with the activity where people may come into close contact with one another.
- You have valuable, significant data to share.
- Your services have been affected or changed somehow or another.
- You’re planning something to help your clients during this pandemic going on.
If you find these are checked, you are good to go.
Common Misconceptions
To start with, seeing these COVID-19 messages pop up in your inbox doesn’t imply that you should send your own. You don’t have anything significant to share, yet every other person is doing it, that’s why you think you should do it.
Try not to go with the confusion that you need to send messages, remember you don’t need to showcase below things while you go for Email Marketing:
- You have no new data to share.
- Sharing other’s content, which you don’t even own.
- Informing for something that you didn’t even arrange.
- Informing that COVID-19 won’t sway your services.
- Informing clients that you’ll work from home.
Don’t get indulged in this way of mailing, this will eventually affect your brand name.
What are the best practices?
To Carry on with a healthy business relationship, after knowing why, when you should send emails, you must know how your email should look like, keeping the points in line, below are the points you should keep in mind.
Subject of the email should be clear
We suggest giving clear, brief headlines. In special messages, putting a fascinating twist can be a compelling method to allure clients to open your messages, but for the COVID-19 email, keep to straightforward headline. If your receiver uses or visits your business, they will probably need to realize more and open an email.
Keep it Up To the Point or Concise
Numerous COVID-19 messages highlight a lot of pointless words and specialized language. Be that as it may, your clients are most likely occupied and would prefer concise and normal English, don’t use jargon.
Just incorporate a really valuable content
Consider your client first, and your business second, to figure out what data you can give that they’ll be glad to get. It could be any tips, any important information or regarding your services that customers must be aware of.
Make your messages simple to take off
It must not be very much confusing or very much descriptive that one isn’t able to get what message you want to convey, keep it like, what’s important should be highlighted so that one gets to know, it’s important.
Include a note in your existing newsletters about the pandemic situation
If you are already sending newsletters, first see what newsletter consists of, and if it fulfills the above-mentioned criteria then only send, and add a line or two regarding COVID-19.
Ask for your client’s view about the current scenario
Just sending emails and getting back to your schedule isn’t going to be worthy, you should ask your clients what they feel, they want to continue with you or need a pause, or their point of view of dealing, how they want to be treated at this moment.
Recollect the effect email
Also, put yourself in the shoes of your customers, clients, and think according to them, maybe you will get to know what next would be needed.
Revamp Your Content as per the situation demands
Think, Analyse, and then create content that needs to be sent, as I said earlier, empathy is most important in this scenario to frame the content as per the demand of customers.
We can see the example below:
Modify your tone of the email
Keep your tone emotional, understanding, and must be optimistic, don’t just go on forcing. With the tone of the email, you can make a big difference
Rather focus on action
In this time, don’t make your content much of cheesy and diverting, keep it straightforward and focus on what you really want to convey.
Refrain from “Send to all”
As we see, generally to send any information, we just broadcast it, but No, this is not the right time to do so, it’s not necessary everybody wants to receive your email, someone might be facing any critical issues or many reasons are there, so segment properly and then send.
No to Automation | Keep things Personalized
At this moment, we should go with personalization and interact with the recipient rather than just automating the process, this may let you lose their trust in you or may affect the value of your brand.
These are the little Changes You should make in your emails. Proactive client experience endeavors like these won’t refrain all the issues COVID-19 brings, however they can help keep those issues from duplicating.
Wrapping up
Well, if we see the stats, trends going on, we get to know that, we must adapt to what situation demands, whether it is any field, technical, sales or marketing, the show must go on, and Email Marketing is what keeps every field in the loop to face the pandemic virtually together, it builds trust, brand value and emotional connection with your customer, partners, even your visitors.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life for a huge number of individuals, at any rate briefly, and made advertising items and administrations more dangerous than it was previously. A viable email marketing effort that is delicate to a group of people's situation while offering them significant and vital items or administrations will be recognized as a supportive asset to keep your image on top in the SERPS.
Komal Khare
Indeed. People are very sensitive to the information circulated in this time of pandemic and ultimately standing on their trust would surely help.