How to Check Category for your Products on Jet.com and Map them Properly to your products?
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One of the primary listing requirements on Jet is to make sure that vendors have done the Jet Category Mapping properly. Products that are mapped to categories to whom they don’t belong makes them difficult to be found by the customers. Also, if category mapping is not done then products won’t be uploaded.
Jet.com is not functional anymore. If you want to continue selling your Jet.com inventories, we can assist you in shifting them to Walmart till July 16, 2020. This is not an automatic process, sellers will have to place a request through the Walmart Seller Center or Contact us. If you are a new seller wishing to sell on Jet.com, don’t be disheartened, we can help you sell on Walmart.com instead.
The right category mapping is necessary and plays a very important role for best selling. If the vendor does not set the proper category of product, it can result in zero sells. Simple! Because buyers did not get the product in right category.
For example, if the vendor sells “shirts” and it map product in the wrong category such as it set the category “health and beauty products”. Then the buyer will not be able to find “the shirts” in the clothing section.
If the vendor is not sure about the right category for their products then they can easily find out their products category on JET.com. They just need to open Jet.com and the home page looks like this:
The vendor can see here various categories are given. For Example – Grocery, Jet-wholesale, Household supplies etc. They are the main or parent categories.
Now, they can choose any category that is related to their products and can find the relevant categories up to level 3
The vendor can also find their products by searching on JET.com by the products name or product type as seen in the given image that the products category is showing with the subcategories.
For the mapping of a category on JET, there is need of the category ids. Jet.com has thousands of categories for placing vendor’s store’s products into the right set.
But the vendor may face the problem in the condition when they don’t get products and related categories on JET.com. In that case, the vendor has to search their products on simple search engines (google, yahoo, bing etc). It can help these vendors to find their products with right category. The vendor can search the right category by their product type.
Usually, there are the levels for managing the category and subcategory. If the products are common in that case many vendors are also selling the same products on other marketplaces(Amazon, e-bay) and from there the vendors can get the right product categories.
This gets more serious when the products are really uncommon. Here vendors should map the categories wisely and carefully. They must consider the most common synonyms, applications, and feature of the product and try to map them accordingly.
Product type helps to manage the right category mapping of products. Vendors are known with the product type. JET provide the most of the categories and corresponding subcategories and their subcategories that help to keep the products in a way of quick search in general category.
The JET integration app, by CedCommerce, has 40+ categories and corresponding sub-categories. It helps the vendors to more specified their products for the quick searching on the internet. Check out the Jet Integration
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