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Advance your shop with Advance Waitlist

Advance your shop with Advance Waitlist


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This post is about a new WooCommerce extension introduced by CedCommerce named Advance Waitlist.

Advance Waitlist is a WooCommerce extension by CedCommerce which facilitates the users to add out of stock products into their waitlist so that they can get notification when products arrive in stock. Basically out of stock products can not be added to cart if backorder is not allowed, here this extension provide an extra feature of adding that product to waitlist.

Let us see how it works !

How to use Advance Waitlist

After successfully activating the extension you need to go to Waitlist setting which is a sub section under WooCommerce section where you have various fields to fill out.

Waitlist setting

Advance Waitlist general settings

There are several options which you should properly fill out in order to make your front-end more attractive.

  1. Deactivation mode option is for deleting your associated data or not while deactivating the plugin.
  2. Add button label option is for text which is to be shown on the button of add to waitlist.
  3. Successfully added message option is for showing notification on successful addition of the product to the waitlist.
  4. Customize email template is for setting the look for your email which is to be sent to users as notification.

Add to waitlist

After saving the waitlist settings Add to waitlist button is displayed for out of stock products from where you can easily add the products to your waitlist.

Advance Waitlist out of stock

After adding the product to waitlist a successful notification message is displayed and add to waitlist button is replaced by Remove from waitlist.

Advance waitlist add to wishlist

Remove from waitlist

You can easily remove product from waitlist by clicking Remove from waitlist.

Waitlist frontend menu

A new menu section is created for displaying products in waitlist.Products listed in watlist menu with the option of view or add to cart according to the current status of the product.

Advance Waitlist wishlist

Waitlist admin menu

An admin menu is also there for listing and managing all waitlsted products with customers name and email.You can easily prioritize your restocking according the number of total waitlist request.There are various advance option for editing that product as well.

CSV Export

You can also export the waitlist as csv in both ways product-wise or user-wise

Advance Waitlist pending

on clicking the product you will land on the edit page of that product where you will get various fields and check boxes to fill up.

Advance Waitlist change stock status

  1. Quantity of the product can be easily set by entering it  in the set quantity field and on saving the details the product will be back in store.
  2. You can check “Enable it if you want ti notify the user through email” for sending automatic email when product arrives in stock.
  3. You can check “Enable it if you want to add the product for specified users”. If you enable this feature then the entered quantity of the product is reserved for the registered users.
  4. On saving the detail the product status is changed to in stock.

Status Changed in front end

When stock status is changed then it is also reflected in front end waitlist menu and you will see add to cart instead of view from where you can easily add the  product to the cart.

Advance Waitlist add to cart

Product Reservation

If a product is reserved then the spare quantity after total requested quantity will be open for sale.

Advance Waitlist reserve product


I have tried to clearly explain all the points related to Advance Waitlist. Advance Waitlist come up with a solution of the problem of out of stock products by providing additional feature of add to Waitlist.

To buy our product Advance Waitlist please visit this URL.

Have a look at our product gallery.

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