Vendor Ebay Product Importer Addon [M2]


Vendor Ebay Product Importer is a CedCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace Addon for Magento 2 which allows the vendors to import product data from their Ebay store to CedCommerce Marketplace store based on the eBay Access Token and eBay Site Id.

Key Features
  • Import simple and configurable product from Ebay store to CedCommerce marketplace via Ebay API.
  • Hassle-free dynamic attribute creation.
  • Simple automated image upload process.
  • Simple and easy to use.


Vendor Ebay Product Importer Addon allows the vendors to export their products images, description, price, etc. from Ebay store to their respective Magento 2 store. Few requirements like Ebay seller id, username and app id are required to successfully import the products to Magento 2 store.


It will import the product data from ebay store and save in json file.

In this request vendor will get default magento 2 required attributes data to create a product like i.e. name, sku, price, quantity, etc.

Click on "Create Product" tab to create imported products on Magento 2 store.

For getting extra details of product like description, picture url, category, etc. click on "Get Details" Tab.

For Ebay configuration, vendor can select the attribute set to assign the products in the selected attribute set.

Vendor can also select the website to assign the products in that website.


CedCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace Extension

This addon will not work without the above given extension.

For seller id , kindly follow the link Ebay Seller Account

For app id , kindly follow the link Ebay Dev Account


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