Woocommerce 3.0.0
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Get your Woocommerce addons Developed or, Upgraded to 3.0.0


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Woocommerce on April 4th released the re-version of Woocommerce 2.7 as Woocommerce 3.0.0 following its earlier notification of the same.


The company in its March 13, 2017 blogpost admitted to having found a critical bug in the way system handles timestamps. With internal discussions, company decided to opt SemVer (Semantic Versioning) nomenclature, and on the lines of WordPress, re-versioned it as Woocommerce 3.0.0.


What Woocommerce 3.0.0 entails:

3.0.0 RC, which should be tagged later in the week, will be very similar to 2.7 RC 1 with the addition of several fixes and these important changes;


  • The versioning and @since properties will be relabeled to Woocommerce 3.0.0. If you have used version_compare statements in your code, they will still work since Woocommerce 3.0.0 is greater than 2.7.0 ? You can change these for clarity however.
  • There will be a resolution to this critical timezone/timestamp issue which we want to resolve before release. This changes the return type of get_date_x type methods from integer to DateTime and so will need to be handled in extensions if those getters have been implemented already from the 2.7 RC.
  • Themes with 2.7.0 versioned template files may need to update those to 3.0.0 versions to prevent reports of outdated template files.3.0.0 RC, which should be tagged later in the week, will be very similar to 2.7 RC 1 with the addition of several fixes and these important changes;


Source: Woocommerce


Earlier the company also stated that Woocommerce 3.1.0 would later be introduced with the functionality upgrade the would include “new product importer”.


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Woocommerce 3.0.1 (RC 1):

The April 4th, 2017 version with a NEW CRUD SYSTEM encompassed significant enhancements to its predecessor, and the company, in its blogpost, mentioned all the bugs that have been fixed and are as follows:
* Fix - Show catalog hidden products within grouped products.
* Fix - Fade in the gallery in if no images are set or it's custom.
* Fix - Use wc_deprecated_function in WC_Deprecated_Hooks so notices aren't output in ajax requests.
* Fix - Added back the ability to include extra items to the System Status using the woocommerce_system_status_environment_rows filter.
* Fix - Coupon category restrictions and limits for variations.
* Fix - Allow shortcodes and HTML in variation descriptions like in 2.6.
* Fix - Unset post date when duplicating products.
* Fix - Show a sale price on variable products if on sale and all prices are the same.
* Fix - Corrected download links when a product has multiple downloads.
* Fix - Prevented potential errors if the product type was not posted for any reason on save.
* Fix - Updated single-product/up-sells.php, loop/add-to-cart.php, loop/rating.php, checkout/form-billing.php, and content-product.php template version to 3.0.0.
* Fix - Included clearfixes on billing and shipping field wrappers,
* Fix - Fixed styling of logs table in some languages.
* Fix - Fixed display of variation attributes on old orders.
* Fix - Use placeholder text for external products add to cart button text if left blank.
* Fix - Fallback to home URL if no shop page is set for system status security check for HTTPS.
* Fix - For variations, pull tax status and sold individually from the parent since there is no UI to set this at variation level.
* Fix - Moved cron emails to background processing to avoid multiple sends.
* Fix - Wrapped structured data in a hidden element when added to emails.
* Fix - Missing gateway information in queued emails.
* Fix - Fixed a bug that caused pages to permanently reload if "Default customer location" was set to "Geolocate (with page caching support)".
* Fix - When forcing shipping to billing, set the shipping fields in the order itself.
* Fix - Check for invalid objects in WC_Register_WP_Admin_Settings.
* Fix - Check for error object in wc_get_object_terms.
* Fix - Removed slashes in shipping meta data on the order edit screen.
* Fix - Prevented permalink rewrites for attributes with missing names.
* Fix - Fixed saving of meta data when multiple extensions use the save_post action.
* Fix - Allow search customers by ID in edit order screen.
* Fix - Prevents session data overwriting customer data on login.
* Fix - Fixed cross-sell column display and variation support.
* Fix - Fixed variable product stock syncing on save.
* Fix - Included try/catch wrapper to prevent issues with Select2.
* Fix - Prevented a bug that deleted all variations when the product type was change from variable to simple.
* Fix - Switched to WPDB to quicker update when syncing titles for variations.
* Fix - Exclude deprecated properties when loading a customer object.
* Fix - Fixed notices while trying to order again.
* Fix - Fixed notices when $wpdb->prefix is empty.
* Fix - Prevent errors when loading a product with an invalid download file types.
* REST API - Fixed missing array declaration in CRUD controller.
* REST API - Removed extra exclude, include and search parameters from taxes endpoint.
* REST API - Fixed variation description formatting.
* REST API - Fixed incorrect attribute check in products endpoint in Legacy REST API.
* REST API - Allow variation image to be unset.


The new version is ready and can be downloaded from official WordPress website. Follow the link to download the new version: Woocommerce 3.0.1 – WordPress.org


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Started in 2010, Cedcommerce is leading provider of Woocommerce Solutions. Its solutions for Woocommerce stores have been hugely popular among the Online Sellers.

CedCommerce is committed toward imparting quality solution within affordable limits and Truly Democratise the E-commerce. Official Walmart Channel Integration partner, Cedcommerce also offers Walmart Woocommerce multi-channel selling integration helping online sellers to receive orders from Walmart.


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