Similar Products


Similar Products, as the name suggests, identifies the similar to the current product being displayed and makes them visible to the user. Similar products, of the current product, are listed at the shop, cart and product detail page.

.ced_f_description_sec h2 { color: #000;}.ced_f_description_sec h2 span::before {background-color: #9b5c8f; content: ""; height: 35px; left: -10px; position: absolute; top: -1px; width: 5px; } .ced_f_description_sec h2 span { position: relative; } p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; }a:link { }

Similar Products Plugin enables admin to identify and display the similar products of the current product. They can be chosen depending on the conditions or settings in the backend. This plugins gives admin the access to display the similar products of his choice. He can mark/unmark any number of products to be the similar products of a particular product.

  1. This plugin supports Woocommerce products.
  2. Plugin provides the options in backend to save and set visibility settings.
  3. This plugin provides the facility to see similar product listing on different pages like the shop, product detail page, cart page.
  4. Provide add similar product for each product from the product edit page in admin panel.

Our awesome Feature

Shop Page Pop Up

Similar products button is added to every product in the shop page. On clicking this button the users can view the similar products of that particular product.

Similar Products in Product Detail Page

Similar products of the current product are listed in the product detail page which were been added from the backend.

Listing in cart page

Similar products are listed in the cart page on the basis of all the products in the cart.


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