Neweggbusiness IntegrationEXTENSIONS


Important Note

Newegg invites professional sellers that can fulfill the institutional purchasing needs. For this Newegg offers its potential sellers two ways either through seller portal or through API solutions that are developed by 3rd party developers.

Newegg Business is an arm of Newegg - the leading niche consumer electronics and computer related hardware & software marketplace – dealing in B2B transaction. It boasts of over 150 thousands business customer network. The customers include small, medium and large scale organizations, Government, Non Profit and Educational.

As Cedcommerce facilitates selling on e commerce platforms. It offers Newegg Business API integration extension that makes it extremely easy for sellers to sell their products to the extensive customer community of Newegg Business Marketplace.

What is Newegg Business Integration from CedCommerce?

With leveraging technology it creates a seamless channel that facilitates listing of the products on the for sale. Sellers/merchants using Magento1/Magento2, WooCommerce, Prestashop, Shopify etc can use this highly effective extension to sell their products to the customer community of NeweggBusiness.

What all can be done and managed through Newegg Business Integration By Cedcommerce ?

The multifarious Newegg Business Integration extension encompasses every element that facilitates selling. :

Import products to Newegg Business

Synchronizes Product Inventory and information

Automates the selling

Benefits associated with Newegg Business Integration Extension By CedCommerce

Product listing

Imports all products of the store.

Bulk Upload

Just, choose and upload the products in Bulk .

Error Notification

While uploading errors are recorded .

Status Notification

Informs LIVE/UNDER REVIEW status of products.

Updates Information

Changes made are reflected on neweggbusiness.

Inventory Update

Inventory changes are tracked and updated.

Manage Orders

Manipulate orders of neweggbusiness from YOUR store.

Automates Orders

Single step for fulfilling order.

Download Now Extensions Based On the Following E-Commerce Platforms

Why CedCommerce Newegg Business Integration?

It has the most cost competitive pricing and offers best value for its pricing. Impeccable and empathetic tech support. A dedicated account manager is aligned to you who helps in:
Training you about the Integration Process and helping you upload the products.

You get all the RECURRING updates FREE.

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