Bonanza IntegrationEXTENSIONS


Important Note

Bonanza earns an estimated $912 USD on a daily basis with annual sale of $333,237 USD and possibly receives an estimated 83,994 unique visitors every day.

Bonanza - "Everything but the ordinary" : is a niche marketplace for Men's and Women Clothing involving Lawn - Unstitched - Cambric - Waist Coats - Shalwar Kameez etc. It is also among top-rated marketplace that focuses on hard-to-find products including collectibles, artwork, crafts, clothing and fashion, vintage and antiques, stamps, memorabilia and more. Bonanza does offer more typical product categories, such as electronics, books, sporting goods and more.

Bonanza focuses on letting merchants start selling online quickly and easily with free listings, super-low final value fees, and automatic publication of all products to Google and Bing.

What is Bonanza Integration from CedCommerce?

CedCommerce Bonanza integration lets seller manage their listings on Bonanza, from existing e-commerce platform such as Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify, Prestashop etc..

Integration enables centralized catalog, through which seller can easily get products ready for listing, and then list them on Bonanza. Further, Inventory and pricing updates can be managed through automatic feeds, with Orders download facility automatically into CedCommerce integrated platform, at order grid, for processing; Finally tracking information will update automatically after the order is shipped. Sellers can also configure and post variation listings directly from CedCommerce Bonanza Integration.

What all can be done and managed through Bonanza Integration By Cedcommerce ?

The multifarious Bonanza Integration extension encompasses every element that facilitates selling. :

Import products to bonanza

Synchronizes Product Inventory

Automates the selling

Benefits associated with Bonanza Integration Extension By CedCommerce

Product listing

Saves your precious time with quick listing with linking of Bonanza RESTful API.

Manage Orders

Manages your orders meticulously to avoid order delay and fulfilment.

Flawless Integration

The complete integration is well tested and technically approved.

Flourishing Business

Integrating with the fastest growing marketplaces ensure's high revenue generation.

Friendly Support

Dedicated support from technical and developer to assist you whenever needed.

Inventory Update

Inventory gets auto-updated as per any alteration and modification made.

Bulk Upload

Store owners with massive inventory may upload painlessly and readily.

Update Status

Tracks your product status being live or pending conferring to bonanza standards.

Download Now Extensions Based On the Following E-Commerce Platforms

Why CedCommerce Bonanza Integration?

In order to gain massive sales of your retail store product with one of the flourishing, marketplaces Cedcommerce offers absolutely FREE technical support outfit, from API activation to the listing of the products on Bonanza store.

Soon after your purchase CedCommerce will assign one of the best developers for technical assistance to automate Bonanza integration process for an e-commerce store.

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