Magento 2 Released

The launch of Magento 2 marks a new beginning of E-Commerce Innovation. CedCommerce welcomes this glorious moment and has already developed extensions in Magento for the ease of its customers and will be launching 50+ extensions within a month or two.

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Magento 2.0 request Flow

In previous articles, we have gone through simple HelloWorld module creation for Magento 2.0. If curious about how the output is generated or wondering what’s the code flow, then keep reading the blog till the end.

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Magento 2.0

In this article, we will go through building our “Hello_World” module for Magento 2. If you been through the previous versions of Magento, creation of module in Magento 2.0 version is very much different with its old versions. Here the Module Configuration to Content Render is quite different from the previous versions.

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