A tale of triumph in UP
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“When we were starting the company back in 2010 lots of people discouraged us not to do it in U.P. as there was apparently a lack of ample resources. We agreed that the quality of resources was not at par with that of a TIER I City.”
UP Investors Summit 2018
UP was awaiting one such platform for years, where its potential could be talked about, where it could showcase all that it had to offer to value-add to the development of the nation as a whole and to communicate to the world that it is much more than what it has been painted as for years at a stretch.
UPIS 2018: The most awaited event
We believe the effort is indeed laudable given the scale and magnitude of the summit, the roadshows that were organized across the country as a precursor to the event, the exhaustive and influential attendee list and the substantial value proposition it is built around.
UPIS seems to be a promising venture and we sincerely wish it is successful in drawing home investments that the government of UP is targeting for catalyzing the economic development of the state.
A story of success in the heart of UP
Come to speak of tales of triumph one such story is that of CedCommerce. We are proud and humbled at the same time talking of CedCoss/CedCommerce as a success story.
When we were starting the company back in 2010 lots of people discouraged us not to do it in U.P. as there was apparently a lack of ample resources. We agreed that the quality of resources was not at par with that of a TIER I City.
But we never believed there was any shortage of good resources in the City and finally after 7 years and with a new government leading on the Prime Minister’s Digital India and Start-Up India Initiative, We could finally sense things moving in the right direction.
Our Achievements started from Lucknow
The only company to be declared winners of Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India and Deloitte Technology Fast 500 APAC for two years in a row from a TIER III city.
The ONLY company from India to become the Official Channel Integration Partners of Walmart, Newegg, Sears and Best Buy – the largest retail chains of US.
Employee strength has grown from 20 in the first year to 160 this year and the company continues to grow exponentially.
Our perseverance led the biggest names in the e-commerce industry to notice our efforts and as a result, we achieved the proud partner of renowned names like Walmart, Sears, Newegg and many others.
Come be a part of our journey. We seek opportunities to scale.
Incentives for startups
There could not be a happier time for us now when we see the UP Government working proactively towards creating a holistic environment for making the state conducive for investors. This would encourage entrepreneurs and startups to take the plunge and work assiduously towards the painting a brighter picture of UP as a whole.
The government’s policy of startups 2017-2022 is commendable and encouraging for startups in UP and presents before entrepreneurs a promising future. Being in the sector for quite a few years we understand that UPIS and the startup policies have been successful in providing a platform where the concerns of startups are heard and their challenges understood.
Challenges and Expectations:
Connect Skill India with Corporate employee skills enhancements. Speaking of challenges the ones we can figure are the shortage of skilled IT professionals in the state and the absence of an active enough platform for businesses to participate in collaborative learning. Although the Skill India initiative has laid the foundation for professional training for graduates in order to make them employable there still remains scope for upskilling the IT professionals.
Collaborative learning between sectors is another important aspect. When small businesses and enterprises collaborate and learn from the veterans in the field they will get the required exposure and the necessary boost to perform in the larger market.
Easy access to funds and capitals which is crucial for high growth startups to expand in their domains.
Acceleration in terms of policy executions, reducing red-tapism to accelerate policy implementations and enabling startups as far as logistics and infrastructure are concerned could be the few ways in which hand-holding can be done to instill a sense of confidence amongst the budding entrepreneurs.
Final Thoughts:
Hope the success story of our company plays a role in persuading the investors to put in their finances in UP.
At last, we would like to congratulate the government for UPIS and hope the event is successful in driving huge investment for the state so that few years down the line there are many such startups narrating their very own success stories and brightening UPs picture on the map of India as against the general perception of the state that the masses and the classes hold.