Amazon Advertising Programs and Campaign Best Practices

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The Amazon Advertising Program not only increases impressions and clicks on your products to improve conversion rates but also enhances the organic rankings of your products. Moreover, Amazon Marketing Campaigns can be generated to provide advertising services through different types of ads to promote better business growth and sales.

Also, this is especially crucial in the Amazon marketplace, crowded with countless sellers. In a perfect competition market, where products are similar and buyers have numerous choices, differentiation is key. So, how can you make your product stand out? Amazon Marketing Campaigns offer a powerful solution. By leveraging various tools from the Amazon Advertising Program, you can increase your product’s visibility, target relevant audiences, and ultimately drive sales.

Finally, in this blog, we will guide you on how to use the Amazon Advertising Program, and its various tools and services. You will know how to use them to your advantage by the end of it.

What are the Amazon’s Advertising Programs?

Firstly, advertising is where actual marketing begins. Forget crowded marketplaces – Amazon Advertising Programs enable you to grab engaged attention. They offer many tools designed to meet your specific needs, so you can adapt your approach as you grow.

Here’s a breakdown of the key options:

  • Sponsored Products: These PPC (pay-per-click) ads put your products front and center in search results and product detail pages, driving traffic and conversions.
  • Sponsored Brands: Sponsored Brands leverage your logo and a custom headline to capture attention within search results, increasing brand awareness alongside product visibility.
  • Sponsored Display: Sponsored Display keeps your brand top-of-mind and retargets purchase interest with product recommendations tailored to their browsing behavior.
  • Stores: Stores allow you to curate a multi-page storefront showcasing your product catalog, brand story, and promotions for an immersive shopping experience for potential customers.
  • Product Display Ads: Product Display Ads lets you target relevant audiences across various websites and apps (including those owned by Amazon, like IMDb), allowing you to tap into new customer segments who might be interested in your products.
  • Video Ads: Integrate video ads into your Amazon Advertising strategy and reach potential customers with engaging product demonstrations or brand storytelling videos across Amazon.
  • Amazon Display Advertising: Target potential customers with display ads across a vast network of websites and apps, expanding your brand awareness and sales potential.
  • Amazon DSP AKA Amazon Advertising Platform: For experienced advertisers seeking to reach beyond Amazon’s ecosystem, Amazon DSP offers programmatic advertising. This also allows you to target audiences across a wider range of websites and apps beyond Amazon.

Boost your sales by adding the Amazon Top Selling Products to your Inventory.

Let’s take a thorough look at each of these.

Amazon Sponsored Products

Convinced your product has what it takes to win? Try Amazon Sponsored Products from the Amazon Advertising Program. Moreover, this service lets you create targeted ads specifically for your high-potential products, already competitive in the marketplace. Simply list your chosen products and build campaigns around them.

How does it work?

Sponsored Products uses relevant keywords – the search terms potential buyers use – to match your product with customer intent. Additionally, you choose the keywords manually for precise control or opt for Amazon’s automatic targeting based on product data. The best part? You only pay when someone clicks your ad, not for impressions. This minimizes upfront costs and maximizes return on investment.

Amazon Sponsored Brands

While Sponsored Products excel at promoting specific items, Sponsored Brands take a broader approach. Originally known as Headline Search Ads from the Amazon Advertising Program, this program puts your brand name front and center in search results.

When a user types keywords related to your products (including those you’ve added), your brand name and relevant products appear prominently at the top of the search page.

How does this help?

A click on your brand icon doesn’t just showcase a single product; it directs users directly to your brand store. This opens the door for customers to explore your entire product collection. Here, you can leverage upselling and cross-selling strategies to encourage users to discover other items they might be interested in.

Eligibility for Sponsored Brands:

This program has specific criteria for sellers and vendors:


  • Active Professional Seller account
  • Ability to ship to all US addresses
  • Registered Brand Owner
  • Multi-category product selection


  • Hardline vendors (electronics, homeware, etc.)
  • Softline vendors (apparel, home decor textiles)
  • Media vendors (books, music, etc.)
  • Consumables vendors (non-Pantry/Fresh)

If you meet the criteria, you can tap into the power of Sponsored Brands to build brand awareness, drive traffic to your storefront, and ultimately increase sales.


Beyond Ads from the Amazon Advertising Program, Amazon Stores offers a unique and powerful advertising platform for both sellers and vendors. Imagine a multi-page website, built with professional Amazon templates, dedicated entirely to your brand.
The eligibility criteria are refreshingly straightforward. If you’re a brand owner with an active brand name and products listed on Amazon, you can easily register for the Amazon Brand Registry and access the ability to create a Store! The best part? Creating an Amazon Store is completely free!

This dedicated brand space allows you to craft a compelling narrative. Showcase your brand identity, product stories, and unique value proposition. Visually rich content and engaging storytelling can influence purchase decisions.

Additionally, by creating relevant and well-organized categories, you make it easy for users to find what they’re looking for without distractions from other brands. This encourages them to look deeper into your offerings.

While the time it takes to set up your Store depends on your chosen template and design complexity, the approval process is typically swift. Amazon usually takes around 72 hours to review it against its standards to ensure a high-quality experience for users.

Furthermore, with its ease of use, free setup, and powerful branding capabilities, Amazon Stores are a valuable tool for any seller or vendor looking to stand out.

Key Metrics to Analyze Store Performance:

  • Daily Visitors: Track overall traffic to your Store.
  • Engagement: Monitor page views and average view time to understand how deeply users explore your brand story and products.
  • Conversions: Track the 14-day conversion rate to measure how many visitors become paying customers.
  • Views per Visitor: Analyze this ratio to gain insight into browsing behavior and sales potential.

Amazon Product Display Ads

Product Display Ads let you showcase your products on a variety of digital screens, including websites and apps. This creates a powerful way to reach new customer segments who might be interested in what you offer.

How does this work?

Leverage the power of Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs).

ASINs Explained:

  • Each product on Amazon is assigned a unique 10-character alphanumeric code called an ASIN.
  • This simplifies product identification and search for both sellers and customers.
  • It’s crucial to find your product’s ASIN, as missing this code can prevent your product from being discovered through Amazon’s search engine.
  • Keep in mind that ASINs can vary by marketplace. For example, the same wooden table sold in the US and UK will have different ASINs.

How to use ASINs for Targeting?

  • ASIN Targeting: Target your ads to appear alongside competitor products (based on their ASINs) or alongside relevant products that resonate with your target audience.
  • Interest-Based Targeting: Expand your reach beyond specific products. Target users who have shown interest in broader categories related to your offerings.

How to Set Up Your Campaign?

  • Identify ASINs: Locate the ASINs for your products or your competitors’ products.
  • Campaign Creation: Create a new campaign and choose your targeting method (Product Targeting or Interest-Based Targeting).
  • Product Targeting: Highly targeted but often comes with a higher cost due to competitive bidding.
  • Interest-Based Targeting: Offers broader reach but with potentially lower conversion rates compared to Product Targeting.
  • Campaign Details: Finalize your campaign name, keywords, budget duration, brand name, logo, and headline.

Important Note: Currently, only Amazon Vendors (not Sellers) are eligible to utilize Product Display Ads.

Furthermore, you can leverage Product Display Ads and strategic targeting to connect with new audiences, and generate significant sales potential!

Amazon Display Ads

While Product Display Ads focus on showcasing specific products on relevant websites and apps, Amazon Display Ads offer an even broader scope. This program allows DSP Sellers (vendors who utilize Amazon’s Demand-Side Platform) to create captivating display ads that go beyond product listings.

Simplified Campaign Creation:

  • Keyword Selection: Similar to Product Display Ads, you can incorporate relevant keywords to target your ideal audience.
  • Creative Freedom: Upload your creative assets or leverage Amazon’s eCommerce templates to build visually appealing display ads.
  • Cost-Effective Reach: Display Ads operate on a cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) model. You pay only when your ad is displayed a thousand times, offering a cost-effective way to reach a broad audience. Pricing fluctuates based on the chosen format (banner, image, etc.) and ad placement.
  • Showcase Your Brand: Display Ads allow you to feature your brand logo, star ratings, and customer reviews, building trust and brand awareness alongside product promotion.
  • Captivate Attention on Multiple Screens: Reach potential customers across a variety of digital platforms, including websites and apps. These visual ads grab attention and drive brand recognition.

Video Ads

Amazon Video Ads offer the most engaging format to grab attention and leave a lasting impression. These short, captivating videos allow brands to tell their story in a way that static ads simply cannot. Moreover, the user is immediately redirected to the brand’s Amazon store where they can select the items they are searching for.

Benefits of Video Ads:

Widen Your Reach: Even if users aren’t actively searching for your specific product, engaging video content can spark their interest and encourage them to explore further.

Multidimensional Marketing: Use Video Ads to showcase product demonstrations, highlight unique features, and create an exciting brand narrative.

Who Can Use Video Ads?

Video Ads from Amazon are available to a wide range of advertisers:

  • Sellers and Vendors: Reach your target audience directly through engaging video content.
  • Businesses: Promote your brand story and product offerings to a vast pool of potential customers.
  • Self-Service Amazon DSPs: Leverage Amazon’s Demand-Side Platform to purchase ad inventory and manage video ad campaigns independently.

Note: Amazon offers managed video ad services through ad consultants. These services typically involve a fee and provide expert assistance with campaign creation, management, and optimization.

Amazon Display Advertising

Display Advertising from Amazon lets you showcase your products on a vast network of websites and apps, both on and off Amazon. This powerful tool can significantly boost your brand awareness and sales reach.

Here’s how it works:

  • Targeted Display: Go beyond generic ads. Target your audience based on relevant demographics, interests, and shopping behaviors.
  • Product Targeting: Reach users browsing similar products or categories, increasing the likelihood they’ll be receptive to what you offer (e.g., advertise hiking boots to people looking at camping gear).
  • Brand Awareness: Showcase your brand logo, positive customer reviews, and star ratings alongside product placements, building trust and recognition beyond Amazon.

Example: Imagine you sell handmade leather wallets. Using Display Ads, you can target users who have shown interest in leather goods or luxury accessories. Your ads might appear on relevant websites and apps, showcasing your wallets alongside other high-quality products. This increases brand exposure and potentially captures new customers who wouldn’t have found you on Amazon alone.

Amazon DSP: Programmatic Advertising for Experienced Sellers

Ready to take your Amazon advertising to the next level? Amazon DSP, also known as the Amazon Advertising Platform, caters to experienced sellers seeking a more advanced approach. It allows you to leverage programmatic advertising, a sophisticated method for purchasing ad inventory across a vast network beyond the Amazon ecosystem.

Here’s what sets DSP apart:

  • Programmatic Buying: Utilize automated tools to purchase ad placements based on your specific criteria, saving you time and ensuring efficient ad spend.
  • Granular Targeting: Go beyond basic demographics. Target audiences based on purchase intent, and past browsing behavior, and even create lookalike audiences to reach users similar to your existing customer base.
  • Greater Control: Enjoy more flexibility in campaign management. Set specific budgets, define campaign goals, and access detailed reporting for in-depth performance analysis.

Example: As a seller of high-end athletic wear, you can use DSP to target users who have recently purchased fitness trackers or running shoes on other websites. This hyper-targeted approach ensures your ads reach a highly relevant audience actively interested in athletic products.

Important Note: Amazon DSP is typically recommended for experienced advertisers with a strong understanding of programmatic advertising and campaign management best practices.

Amazon Display Advertising and Amazon DSP (depending on your experience level and advertising goals), can help you create a comprehensive strategy to reach new customers, build brand awareness, and ultimately drive significant sales growth on Amazon. This why they are the secret weapons among the various tools provided by the Amazon Advertising Program.

Let’s look at some basic points first –

Here are some Key Practices for Amazon Ads

  • Set Goals: Brand awareness, product sales, or both? Define your campaign’s winning objective.
  • Know Your Strengths: Unique selling points? Identify what makes you stand out.
  • Pick Your Platform: Sellers vs. Vendors? Products vs. Brand? Choose the right program for your needs (e.g., Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands).
  • Research & Learn: Dive deep! Explore each platform and gain valuable insights.

Winning Strategies for Your Amazon Ads Campaign

  • Master Keywords: Research high-volume, relevant keywords (manual & automatic).
  • Bid Smartly: Start within the suggested range, and adjust based on performance.
  • Analyze & Adapt: Learn key metrics, track results, and optimize continuously.
  • Test Ad Formats: Experiment with Sponsored Products, Brands, Display Ads, etc.
  • Craft Compelling Copy: Highlight USPs & motivate clicks in short, clear ad copy.
  • Visual Appeal Sells: Invest in high-quality product images & clear visuals.
  • Know Your Rivals: Research competitor strategies (keywords, ASINs, placements).
  • Promotions Inspire: Study successful promotions and incorporate elements into your ads.
  • Seasonal Sales Matter: Plan campaigns around seasonal sales trends.
  • Patience Pays Off: Give campaigns time, analyze, optimize, and refine for long-term success.

Conclusion: Boost Your Sales with Amazon Ads

Furthermore, by following the key practices and strategies for the Amazon Advertising Program outlined above, you can create high-performing campaigns that deliver targeted messaging with captivating visuals, and ultimately, drive sales and brand growth.

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Together with Amazon Ads and CedCommerce Integration, your brand can flourish on the Amazon marketplace!

FAQ Section:

What is Amazon’s advertising platform called?

Amazon’s advertising platform is called Amazon Ads. It offers a suite of tools and services to help sellers reach a wider audience and increase product visibility on the Amazon marketplace.

What is the Amazon DSP platform?

Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform) is a programmatic advertising platform within Amazon Ads. It allows advertisers to programmatically buy and manage display and video ads across Amazon’s properties (websites, apps, etc.) and third-party websites that reach Amazon’s vast audience. This is typically used by larger advertisers or agencies managing advertising campaigns for multiple clients.

What are the three types of Amazon advertising?

Amazon Ads offers a variety of advertising options, but three main categories include:

  • Sponsored Products: These are pay-per-click (PPC) ads displayed on product search results pages and detail pages. When a customer clicks on your ad, you are charged a fee.
  • Sponsored Brands: These ads showcase your brand and product portfolio, increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to your store.
  • Product Display Ads: These image-based ads appear on Amazon webpages and third-party websites, reaching customers who might be browsing but haven’t yet started searching for specific products.

What is the Amazon ad system?

The term “Amazon ad system” can refer broadly to the entire Amazon Ads platform, encompassing all its advertising tools and functionalities. It allows sellers to create, manage, and optimize their advertising campaigns to reach their target audience on the Amazon platform and beyond.

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