Product Identifiers Compatible At NewEgg MarketPlace

Product Identifiers compatible at NewEgg


Among the largest consumer electronic dealers of U.S., Newegg Marketplace is an online retailer of items including computer hardware and consumer electronics consumer electronics. It is based in City of Industry, California, in the United States.


To sell on, some mandatory fields are required, among them Product Identifiers find the prominent place.


It’s a universally recognizable ID, and is unique for each individual item. They are used in Newegg for identification and comparing it with different associated seller’s, further to which different associated variants could be established.



Product Identifiers compatible at Newegg Marketplace (Source:Google Images)



Product Identifiers compatible at Newegg Marketplace


Accepted Type Name Description Acceptable  digit
MPN Manufacturer Part Number Manufacturer defined unique identifier for an item. An alphanumeric string, max 20 characters including space. Max 20 characters
UPC Universal Product Code General purpose, used primarily in United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand 12 digits
EAN European Article Number General purpose, used primarily outside North America 13 digits
ISBN International Standard Book Number Paperback, Hard Cover and Electronic Books 10-13 digit



You can regenerate your UPC, following are the benefits of UPC:-


  • Discounts can be applied quickly
  • The billing is lightning fast
  • Two like products can be distinguished.
  • Helpful in B2B product transactions


Moreover, all the marketplaces – Amazon, Newegg, Walmart, Jet, Rakuten etc. – require UPC codes as a product identifier. On the basis of these UPCs, the two similar products are differentiated that they belong to different sellers.


And if you don’t know how to generate Product Identifier for your products, read the blog:


How to generate UPC code ?


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