Simple Solution for VAT Validation

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First of all we should know what is VAT


value added tax (VAT) is a consumption tax levied on product’s sales price. It represents a tax on the “value added” to the product throughout its production process. I.e. The tax is paid every time goods are sold. The Vat Validation Extension for magento 2 allows admin to validate the vat number of any customer at the time of registration, checkout as well as on editing the account information.

Let us understand the concept of VAT by an example-


Image Source: Google


The common objective of Value Added Tax are–


  • To simplify the tax structure.
  • To create a uniform common market within the country.
  • Ensure equitable distribution of tax impact amongst dealers.
  • Easy compliance and procedures through transparency.



“The purpose of a tax cut is to leave more money where it belongs: in the hands of the working men and working women who earned it in the first place”– Bob Dole



Importance of VAT-


The sales tax is one that is imposed on the customers only at the final stage. VAT, on the other hand, is imposed at each and every step of production.


Magento 2 VAT Validation Extension-


CedCommerce VAT Validation Extension for magento 2 allows admin to validate the VAT number of any customer at the time of registration, checkout as well as upon editing the account information. This extension only works if admin has enabled VAT/tax no. from customer configuration. It restricts customers to register without a valid VAT no. It validates the VAT no. with real time VIES (VAT Information Exchange System).

It provides the real time VAT validation feature on the front-end view.  It involves the real time validation with VIES (VAT Information Exchange System). This extension provides the additional button named Validate VAT associated with the Tax/VAT number field. If the front-end users enter an invalid VAT number and click the Validate VAT button, then an error message appears and the user is unable to submit the form.



Features of VAT validation Module-


  • The Validate VAT button appears on the Create New Customer Account page to check the validity of the entered VAT number.
  • The Validate VAT button appears on the Edit Account Information page to check the validity of the entered VAT number.
  • The Validate VAT button appears on the Add New Address page to check the validity of the entered VAT number. User can access this page through the Address Book menu available in the left navigation panel.
  • The Validate VAT button appears on the Shipping Address page to check the validity of the entered VAT number during checkout process.



Benefits of  VAT validation extension for Magento 2-


VAT Validation extension for Magento 2 adds the real time VAT validation functionality on front-end at every place where a VAT field is present. We restrict the customer to submit/register the form if they enter an invalid VAT number and also provide the additional button “Validate VAT” with VAT field. This extension will only work if admin has enabled VAT/tax no. from customer configuration.


  • It adds the feature of VAT validation on customer account creation page.



  • It allows customers to check the validation of their VAT no. while filling billing and shipping addresses.



  • Customer will be able to validate their VAT while editing their account information too.



Why use VAT Validation Module for Magento 2?


VAT registration is mandatory and important for all traders or business,those who are actively involved with manufacturing or even production of goods and services. VAT is essentially a tax placed on any  goods or services your business sells, no matter whether they are sold through a brick and mortar store or an ecommerce website.


Our VAT validation extension for magento 2 provides the real time VAT validation feature on the front-end view.And restricts the customer to submit the form if they enter an invalid VAT number.



Validate VAT button appears four times on the front end view-


Create New Customer Account Page: The Validate VAT button appears on the page while creating a new customer account to check whether the VAT number is valid or not.

Edit Account Information Page: The Validate VAT button appears on the page while editing the customer account information to check whether the VAT number is valid or not.

Add New Address page: The Validate VAT button appears on the page while adding new address through Address Book from My Account to check whether the VAT number is valid or not. It restricts the customers to add the new address if they enter an invalid VAT number.

Shipping Address page During Checkout: The Validate VAT button appears on the Shipping Address page during checkout process and also while adding new address during the checkout process.

If the number is valid, the customer is allowed to proceed further to checkout, else the error appears.



VAT Validation Extension For Magento 2 Pricing-


You can also refer to the following link in order to know more about description and pricing etc.

VAT Validation Extension






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